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Gene Review

FOXH1  -  forkhead box H1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: FAST-1, FAST1, FAST2, Fast-1, Fast-2, ...
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Disease relevance of FOXH1

  • METHODS: In the Fast Revascularisation during InStability in Coronary disease (FRISC) II trial, 2457 patients with unstable coronary artery disease were assigned randomly to an early invasive or noninvasive strategy [1].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Fast cine MRI with three-dimensional contrast-enhanced MRA provides rapid and comprehensive anatomic definition of APVs and ASDs in patients with adult congenital heart disease in a single examination [2].
  • CONCLUSION: Fast MR blood flow measurement at baseline is highly useful for predicting significant stenosis in internal mammary arterial grafts [3].
  • CONCLUSION: Fast dynamic first-pass MR imaging, with at least one image acquired every 2 seconds, improved delineation of urinary bladder cancer, tumor staging, and detection of metastases [4].
  • Telavancin versus standard therapy for treatment of complicated skin and skin structure infections caused by gram-positive bacteria: FAST 2 study [5].

Psychiatry related information on FOXH1

  • The number and duration of contractions per minute were determined by inspection of the motor activity record; the frequency content of both the motor and myoelectrical records was determined using the Fast Fourier Transform method [6].
  • Neuropsychological tests were performed before and after training, and changes in EEG activity as determined by Fast Fourier spectral analyses were analyzed [7].
  • INTERVENTIONS: A "Fast acting" or "Intermediate acting" 2 mg transmucosal nicotine patch was attached to an upper molar tooth of study participants during wakefulness [8].
  • Four modes of data processing with different response times ("Normal," "Fast," "FastFilter," and "Urgent" modes) used by the monitoring system [9].
  • Although similar reference memory was evident, Fast rats showed working memory deficits with increasing delays between information and choice trials [10].

High impact information on FOXH1


Chemical compound and disease context of FOXH1

  • CONCLUSIONS: Fast and drastic removal of LDL cholesterol, Lp(a), and fibrinogen from plasma results in an improvement of cerebrovascular reactivity in patients with coronary heart disease and hyperlipidemia [16].
  • OBJECTIVE: To introduce the Fast Hug mnemonic (Feeding, Analgesia, Sedation, Thromboembolic prophylaxis, Head-of-bed elevation, stress Ulcer prevention, and Glucose control) as a means of identifying and checking some of the key aspects in the general care of all critically ill patients [17].
  • The tumor thrombus enhanced intensely on early post gadolinium images and was also well shown on true FISP (Fast Imaging with Steady State Precession) images [18].
  • In this study we evaluated the efficacy of a new preparation (Fast Dissolving Dosage Form--FDDF) of piroxicam (40 mg in a single sublingual dose) in the acute treatment of migraine [19].
  • A new recombinant antigen latex agglutination test (Syphilis Fast) for the rapid serological diagnosis of syphilis [20].

Biological context of FOXH1


Anatomical context of FOXH1

  • The transcription factor FAST-1 has recently been shown to play a key role in the specification of mesoderm by TGF beta superfamily signals in the early Xenopus embryo [24].
  • Expression of the FAST-1 transcription factor in coronary artery transplant vasculopathy and activated vascular smooth muscle cells [26].
  • Signal detection is not the only role of this molecular network; amplification of low-amplitude signals by hair bundles seems to be universal in hair cells. "Fast adaptation," the rapid closure of transduction channels following a mechanical stimulus, appears to be intimately involved in bundle-based amplification [27].
  • BACKGROUND: The Fragmin and Fast Revascularisation during Instability in Coronary artery disease II trial (FRISC II) compared an early invasive with an early non-invasive strategy in unstable coronary-artery disease [28].
  • METHODS: Retrogradely transported neuronal dyes, Fast Blue and Dil, were injected into the wall of the gallbladder and the sphincter of Oddi [29].

Associations of FOXH1 with chemical compounds

  • Isolation of a human myocardial cytosolic phospholipase A2 isoform. Fast atom bombardment mass spectroscopic and reverse-phase high pressure liquid chromatography identification of choline and ethanolamine glycerophospholipid substrates [30].
  • The protein tyrosine phosphatase activity was purified using three consecutive cation-exchange columns (phosphocellulose, S Sepharose Fast Flow, Bio-Rex 70), followed by two affinity matrices (p-aminobenzylphosphonic acid-agarose and thiophosphotyrosyl nAChR-Sepharose 4B) [31].
  • Purification was performed by chromatography on DEAE anion-exchange, Q-Sepharose Fast Flow, hydroxylapatite, sphingosylphosphocholine affinity, and Superose 12 gel filtration columns [32].
  • A total of 124 contiguous T1-weighted coronal MR images (slice thickness=1.5 mm) were acquired through the whole head using a 3D Fast SPGR IR Prep sequence on a 1.5 T GE imaging system [33].
  • From Ultraslow to Fast Lithium Diffusion in the 2D Ion Conductor Li0.7TiS2 Probed Directly by Stimulated-Echo NMR and Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation [34].

Physical interactions of FOXH1

  • In contrast, transcription factors Mixer and FoxH3 (FAST1) bind to the bottom side of the Smad3 MH2 toroid; therefore, c-Ski does not affect the interaction of Smads with these transcription factors [35].

Other interactions of FOXH1

  • Smad4 is not required for nuclear translocation of Smads 1 or 2, or for association of Smad2 with a DNA binding partner, the winged helix protein FAST-1 [13].
  • Interestingly, Smad4 was also able to directly associate with the FAST-2.ARE complex through binding with FAST-2 [36].
  • Moreover, the present findings suggest that in addition to the impairment in the homo- and/or hetero-oligomerization, there may be an alternative mechanism producing disruption of TGF-beta signaling, involving hFAST-1-or possibly other transcriptional cofactor(s)-mediated transcriptional activation [37].
  • FOXH1 and FOXO1 mRNAs are expressed in human embryonic stem (ES) cells [38].
  • In an electrophoretic mobility shift assay, we found that Smad3 was able to associate with the FAST-2.ARE complex and that this association was dependent on FAST-2 [36].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of FOXH1

  • Characterization of human FAST-1, a TGF beta and activin signal transducer [21].
  • Western blot analysis and immunohistochemistry verified fork-head activin signal transducer 1 (FAST-1) expression [26].
  • Western blotting confirmed increased FAST-1 expression in arteries with CAV vs normal arteries and arteries from failing hearts and confirmed increased expression in cultured VSMCs stimulated with a variety of cytokines [26].
  • The major peak of enzyme activity (mPLC-II) was purified to homogeneity by a combination of Fast Q-Sepharose, heparin-Sepharose, Ultrogel AcA-44, Mono Q, Superose 6-12 combination column, and Superose 12 column chromatographies [39].
  • The authors show by immunoblotting techniques that the myofibrillar antigen is a 23 kd protein and by partial protein sequence data identify it as fast troponin I. Fast troponin I from various species contains the sequence EEKSGMEGRK close to the C-terminal end at positions 165 to 174 [40].


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