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Cochlear Duct

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Disease relevance of Cochlear Duct


Psychiatry related information on Cochlear Duct


High impact information on Cochlear Duct


Chemical compound and disease context of Cochlear Duct


Biological context of Cochlear Duct


Anatomical context of Cochlear Duct


Associations of Cochlear Duct with chemical compounds

  • 4-aminopyridine in scala media reversibly alters the cochlear potentials and suppresses electrically evoked oto-acoustic emissions [17].
  • To examine this question, we measured, in the presence of LiCl, the accumulation of (3H)-IPs induced by carbachol, in the developing chick cochlear duct during a period ranging from embryonic day (E) 8 to post-hatching day (P) 20 [18].
  • Activation of muscarinic cholinergic receptors stimulates inositol phosphates synthesis in the developing avian cochlear duct [18].
  • We have found that cells and tissue components of the cochlear duct may be labelled by fluorescent markers within intact cochleae, which are then embedded in epoxy resin for subsequent viewing by fluorescent microscopy methods [19].
  • Possible mechanisms for this phenomenon include a reduced electrostatic attraction of chloride ions to the scala media due to a decreased EP and a reduction of passive influx of chloride into endolymph, resulting from a reduction of active inward potassium transport by furosemide [20].

Gene context of Cochlear Duct

  • Results from PCR and in situ hybridization indicate that Id1, Id2, and Id3 are expressed within the cochlear duct in a pattern that is consistent with a role in regulation of hair cell development [21].
  • 5. Myh9 expression was found to persist within the epithelia surrounding the cochlear duct at E13.5 and E16 [22].
  • EphB1 and its potential ligands ephrin-B1 and ephrin-B2 showed a segregated layered expression in the lateral wall of the cochlear duct (the external sulcus), which together with EphA4 expressed in the area, form a four-layered structure with an alternating pattern of receptors and ligands in the different layers [23].
  • At E13, Isl1 is maintained at relatively high levels in the sensory primordium while down-regulated in the other regions of the cochlear duct [24].
  • Complementary patterns of EphA4 and its potential ligand ephrin-A2 were found, with ephrin-A2 in many of the structures lining the cochlear duct and within the cochlear nerve cells, and EphA4 in the deeper structures underlying the cochlear duct and in the cells lining the nerve pathway [23].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cochlear Duct


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