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Disease relevance of Cebus


Psychiatry related information on Cebus


High impact information on Cebus


Chemical compound and disease context of Cebus


Biological context of Cebus


Anatomical context of Cebus

  • Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of keratinocyte extracts after this rapid partial purification has revealed in each species tested one (chimpanzee, orangutan, gibbon) or two (gorilla, rhesus, owl, cebus) antigenically crossreactive proteins that migrate in the vicinity of human involucrin [19].
  • The ratio of incorporated to nonincorporated lysine in the brain and spinal cord was higher in the Rhesus than the Cebus monkey [20].
  • In fetal Cebus monkey cerebellum obtained at gestational day 50 and 70, NGFR immunoreactivity was observed as a band composed of developing Purkinje cell neurites [21].
  • EMG responses to sudden displacement of the forelimb were studied in Cebus monkeys tranquilized with Atravet, a phenothiazine tranquilizer [22].
  • Sodium arsenate was administered to five male Cebus apella monkeys by the intravenous and oral routes, and blood, urine, and feces were collected [23].

Associations of Cebus with chemical compounds

  • We examined the effect of route of administration by giving equimolar amounts of NaHBED and deferoxamine (DFO) to Cebus apella monkeys as either a subcutaneous (SC) bolus or a 20-minute intravenous (IV) infusion [24].
  • In the iron-loaded Cebus apella monkey, whereas the PO administration of DFO or HBED even at a dose of 300 to 324 micromol/kg was ineffective, the sc injection of HBED in buffer or its monosodium salt, 75 to 324 micromol/kg, produced a net iron excretion that was nearly three times that observed after similar doses of sc DFO [25].
  • Results obtained with cebus monkeys indicate that dietary myristic (14:0) and palmitic (16:0) acids exert disparate effects on cholesterol metabolism, whereas the ability of linoleic acid (18:2) to decrease total plasma cholesterol displays an upper limit or threshold [26].
  • Effects of dopamine agonists on Cebus apella monkeys with previous long-term exposure to fluphenazine [27].
  • Conflicting evidence for a regulatory role of melatonin on adrenal cortisol production, prompted us to investigate this possibility in a New World primate, the capuchin monkey [28].

Gene context of Cebus

  • Comparative gene mapping of man and Cebus capucinus for PGD, ENO1, PGM2, and SOD1 [29].
  • In Cebus apella monkey, as with other mammalian species tested to date, two different forms of haem oxygenase, HO-1 and HO-2, are detected [15].
  • The present study used the NGFR-5 monoclonal antibody raised against human nerve growth factor receptor (NGFR) to determine the extent of NGFR immunoreactivity within the embryonic and young adult Cebus apella cerebellum as well as the human cerebellum [21].
  • Altogether, the data presented support the proposal that the assay developed to measure PRL in Cebus apella is an adequate tool to study the physiology of PRL in this species [30].
  • A PRL response to thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) was demonstrated in 2 nursing Cebus apella females, similar to the response found in nursing woman and rhesus [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cebus


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  4. Delayed onset of progressive dystonia following subacute 3-nitropropionic acid treatment in Cebus apella monkeys. Palfi, S., Leventhal, L., Goetz, C.G., Hantraye, T., Roitberg, B.Z., Sramek, J., Emborg, M., Kordower, J.H. Mov. Disord. (2000) [Pubmed]
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  12. Regional changes in 2-deoxyglucose uptake associated with neuroleptic-induced tardive dyskinesia in the Cebus monkey. Mitchell, I.J., Crossman, A.R., Liminga, U., Andren, P., Gunne, L.M. Mov. Disord. (1992) [Pubmed]
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