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Arthritis, Infectious

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Disease relevance of Arthritis, Infectious


High impact information on Arthritis, Infectious


Chemical compound and disease context of Arthritis, Infectious


Biological context of Arthritis, Infectious


Anatomical context of Arthritis, Infectious


Gene context of Arthritis, Infectious

  • OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of interferon-gamma (IFNgamma) administration on the evolution of systemic infection and septic arthritis induced by group B streptococci (GBS) in mice [24].
  • Intravenous inoculation of CD-1 mice with 10(7) CFU of type IV group B Streptococcus (GBS) results in a high incidence of diffuse septic arthritis, associated with high levels of systemic and local production of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) and IL-6 [25].
  • The mean values of HGF in SF were 1.21 ng/ml for patients with RA, 0.19 ng/ml for those with OA and 0.18 ng/ml for the one with septic arthritis [26].
  • Cox-2 activity is therefore associated with the genesis of infectious arthritis caused by B. burgdorferi [27].
  • Our results suggest that IL-4 and IL-4-dependent Th2 responses promote septic arthritis and sepsis-related mortality by inhibition of bacterial clearance during S. aureus infection [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Arthritis, Infectious


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