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Disease relevance of Pinocytosis


High impact information on Pinocytosis


Chemical compound and disease context of Pinocytosis


Biological context of Pinocytosis


Anatomical context of Pinocytosis


Associations of Pinocytosis with chemical compounds

  • (a) Selective stimulation of azurophil granule secretion by the Na-ionophore Monensin, or nonselective stimulation by FMLP after cytochalasin B pretreatment elicited marked pinocytic activity in parallel with azurophil granule release, whereas FMLP alone, selective for specific granules, elicited little fluid pinocytosis [23].
  • We recently presented data showing that mannose-6-phosphate was a potent competitive inhibitor of pinocytosis of human platelet beta-glucuronidase, and that treatment of "high-uptake" forms of the enzyme with alkaline phosphatase destroyed the high-uptake property of the enzyme without diminishing its catalytic activity [19].
  • Within the concentration range 0.15-24 mug/ml, the 125I-labeled polyvinylpyrrolidone neither stimulated nor inhibited pinocytosis [24].
  • Macropinosomes were pulse labeled for 1 min with fixable fluorescein dextran (FDx10f), a probe for fluid phase pinocytosis, and chased for various times [25].
  • Chloroquine inhibits lysosomal enzyme pinocytosis and enhances lysosomal enzyme secretion by impairing receptor recycling [26].

Gene context of Pinocytosis

  • By contrast, IL-10 or IFN-gamma decreased both fluid phase pinocytosis and mannose receptor-mediated uptake [27].
  • VacA pinocytosis was controlled by Cdc42 and did not require cellular tyrosine kinases, dynamin 2, ADP-ribosylating factor 6, or RhoA GTPase activities [28].
  • The inhibition of proliferation is reversible and is not due to a general loss of growth factor responsiveness, inasmuch as the three agents do not inhibit CSF-1-stimulated BMM survival, protein synthesis, or fluid phase pinocytosis [29].
  • Because Tg is highly concentrated in the colloid, fluid-phase pinocytosis or low-affinity receptors should provide sufficient Tg uptake for hormone release; high-affinity receptors may serve to target Tg away from lysosomes, through recycling into the colloid or by transcytosis into the bloodstream [30].
  • Activated ARF6 also stimulated actin assembly at foci on the ventral surface of the cell and stimulated fluid phase pinocytosis [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Pinocytosis


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