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Chemical Compound Review

pyrogallol     benzene-1,2,3-triol

Synonyms: PYROP, Piral, Benzenetriol, fourrine 85, fourrine PG, ...
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Disease relevance of pyrogallol


Psychiatry related information on pyrogallol


High impact information on pyrogallol


Chemical compound and disease context of pyrogallol


Biological context of pyrogallol

  • These reactions were a typical peroxidative reaction (oxidation of pyrogallol to purpurogallin) and three characteristic P-450 reactions (aliphatic hydroxylation, aromatic hydroxylation, and olefinic epoxidation) [18].
  • Catechin, chlorogenic acid, gallic acid, pyrogallol and tannic acid suppressed the formation of mutagenic nitrosation products [19].
  • Tin(IV) chloride-chiral pyrogallol derivatives as new Lewis acid-assisted chiral Brønsted acids for enantioselective polyene cyclization [20].
  • Similarly, treatment of CMEC with pyrogallol (0.3-3 mM), a superoxide anion (O(2)(-)) generator, also increased CMEC growth while spermine NONOate (SpNO), a NO donor, significantly reduced cell growth [21].
  • Pyrogallol reduced the concentrations of SAM in a similar manner in both areas and increased SAH much more in the cortex than in the striatum; these effects corresponded to that on O-methylation in terms of dose-effect relationships, indicating that there is no compartmentation of SAM with respect to the methylation process in which it is used [22].

Anatomical context of pyrogallol


Associations of pyrogallol with other chemical compounds


Gene context of pyrogallol


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of pyrogallol

  • In contrast, supplementation of the perfusion medium of hypoxically perfused kidneys with the prooxidant compounds H2O2 or pyrogallol caused a significant reduction of Epo synthesis [38].
  • We evaluated the pyrogallol red-molybdate(IV) method for quantification of urinary protein as a screening procedure for microalbuminuria by determining the assay's sensitivity and specificity at different concentrations of urinary albumin as measured by a comparison laser-nephelometric immunoassay [39].
  • The predominant fermentation product from tannic acid breakdown was pyrogallol, as detected by high-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry [40].
  • The late phase of relaxation was prolonged after increase in the period of nerve stimulation and the duration of this phase was further prolonged after treatment with pyrogallol [41].
  • 3. Pyrogallol-induced emesis was completely prevented by surgical abdominal vagotomy [4].


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