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Chemistry, Clinical

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Disease relevance of Chemistry, Clinical


High impact information on Chemistry, Clinical


Chemical compound and disease context of Chemistry, Clinical


Biological context of Chemistry, Clinical


Anatomical context of Chemistry, Clinical

  • Red blood cell (RBC) electrolyte concentrations were determined, with a method that can be applied easily in any clinical chemistry laboratory, in 18 patients not on digoxin therapy and 37 patients on maintenance digoxin therapy for various diagnoses [20].
  • International Federation of Clinical Chemistry. Committee on Standards. Expert Panel on Enzymes. Approved recommendation (1978) on IFCC methods for the measurement of catalytic concentration of enzymes. Part 1. General considerations concerning the determination of the catalytic concentration of an enzyme in the blood serum or plasma of man [21].
  • Blood samples for clinical chemistry and haematology were obtained and lungs, heart, adrenals, kidneys, liver, spleen, stomach, intestine, testes (males), uterus and ovaries (females) were weighed and prepared for histopathological examination [22].

Associations of Chemistry, Clinical with chemical compounds

  • For these reasons, the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) agreed to establish a Committee on 'Standardization of Markers of Cardiac Damage' (C-SMCD) [23].
  • References and texts in the fields of diabetes and clinical chemistry commonly report that ascorbic acid when given orally or parenterally gives a false-positive reaction to the copper reduction glucose test (Clinitest) [24].
  • Physiological and clinical chemistry of biopterin [25].
  • We compared two officially recommended methods for determination of aspartate aminotransferase (EC that of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC) and that of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Klinische Chemie (DGKC) [26].
  • TIBC values were determined for 49 healthy individuals and 148 patients with this modified TIBC assay and with a commercial, fully automated TIBC method (Dimension clinical chemistry system), and calculation of TIBC based on the sum of the serum iron and unsaturated iron-binding capacity was performed for 97 patients [27].

Gene context of Chemistry, Clinical


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Chemistry, Clinical


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