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Chemical Compound Review

Fuchsin     4-[(4-aminophenyl)-(4-imino- 3-methyl-1...

Synonyms: Fuchsine, MAGENTA, Rosaniline, Fuchsine A, Fuchsine G, ...
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Disease relevance of Cerise B


High impact information on Cerise B

  • A striking feature was the presence of markedly hypertrophied Kupffer cells and portal macrophages with foamy, tan-colored cytoplasm that stained readily with the periodic acid-Schiff reagent and aldehyde fuchsin [6].
  • Aldehyde fuchsin positive granulation was sparse in both cultured cells and the original tumor [7].
  • By counting the number of nuclear profiles containing NIB in semithin sections stained with basic fuchsin and methylene blue, we found that SC from predominantly cutaneous (sural) nerves were less vulnerable to lead than SC from mixed (peroneal) and muscular (tibial) nerves [8].
  • The stain permits detection of less than 5-18 ng of glycoprotein per band, depending upon the nature and the degree of protein glycosylation, making it roughly 8-16-fold more sensitive than the standard colorimetric periodic acid-Schiff base method using acidic fuchsin dye (pararosaniline) [9].
  • Granule laden astrocytes exhibiting an affinity for chrome alum hematoxylin and aldehyde fuchsin (Gomori stains) have been described in the periventricular brain of all terrestrial vertebrate species examined to date including humans [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Cerise B


Biological context of Cerise B


Anatomical context of Cerise B

  • Removal of dentin by fuchsin staining [20].
  • HBsAg was identified by aldehyde fuchsin stain in nonmalignant hepatocytes of 48 (58%) of 83 biopsy specimens that contained nonmalignant liver tissue [21].
  • Bone microdamage (linear microcracks, as well as patches of diffuse basic fuchsin staining within the cortex) occurred in fatigue-loaded ulnar diaphyses [22].
  • Islet-cell granules stained with indirect aldehyde fuchsin [23].
  • Using basic fuchsin-stained, undecalcified cross-sections from the dorsal, medial, and lateral midshaft regions of 12 pairs of cannon bones, we classified 360 secondary osteons according to their birefringence patterns, and measured their inner and outer diameters [24].

Associations of Cerise B with other chemical compounds

  • The chromatograms are evaluated by densitometry, with use of a 540-nm filter for basic fuchsine and a 520-nm filter for erythrosine B [25].
  • Viablity has been assessed by light microscopy of sections stained with Gomori's aldehyde fuchsin and by measuring the insulin release from islets in vitro in response to a glucose stimulus [26].
  • A 0.5% basic fuchsin-propylene glycol solution was applied to the carious dentin of extracted and vital human teeth, and the depths of the fuchsin-stained dentin and the bacterial invasion were compared on histological sections [20].
  • Granular cells (cells crowded with colourless granules staining with paraldehyde fuchsin according to Gomori-Gabe and not containing calcium) are independent cells in the connective tissue of Helix pomatia [27].
  • Using this material as photocatalyst, a series of dye pollutants, such as rhodamine B, malachite green, rhodamine 6G, fuchsin basic, and methyl violet, were efficiently degraded in the presence of H202 under visible light irradiation (lambda > 420 nm) [28].

Gene context of Cerise B


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cerise B

  • These observations indicate that immunocytochemistry is more sensitive than aldehyde fuchsin staining for detecting low concentrations of NP in cells and tissues, but the two techniques produce comparable results where the concentration of the NP is relatively high [32].
  • Neurosecretory pathways in the mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos) brain: localization by aldehyde fuchsin and immunoperoxidase techniques for neurophysin (NP) and gonadotrophin releasing hormone (Gn-RH) [32].
  • Histomorphometry and confocal microscopy of basic fuchsin-stained bone sections were used to assess intracortical remodeling activity, microdamage, and osteocyte integrity [22].
  • Basic fuchsin dye indicated that up to 89% of the vessels, especially in the narrow stems, had permanent blockage that could not be reversed by high pressure perfusion [33].
  • The dynamics of the "A" cells of the parsintercerebralis of Oncopeltus fasciatus over the first eight days of adult life was studied by microspectrophotometry of sections stained either with aldehyde fuchsin or alcian blue 8 GX [34].


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