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Gene Review

Muc2  -  mucin 2, oligomeric mucus/gel-forming

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: Intestinal mucin-2, MUC-2, Mucin-2
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Disease relevance of Muc2


Psychiatry related information on Muc2


High impact information on Muc2

  • After MNNG treatment, class III mucin-positive pyloric glands with a low Pg 1 content in normal-looking pyloric mucosa were found from week 10; subsequently, their number increased with time [7].
  • Histologic examination showed that unlike adenocarcinomas with high mucin-producing activity, which were common in rats on pellet diet, most of the adenocarcinomas that developed in rats fed on defined diet were highly or well differentiated, with a typical glandular pattern [8].
  • All of these sublines contained a large mucin-type sialoglycoprotein (ASGP-1) as a major cell surface component [9].
  • The disappearance of nitrite from buffer was little affected by the addition of pepsin, mucin, albumin, or rat gastric contents [10].
  • Adaptation was not associated with any significant change in basal gastric acid secretion in monkeys and occurred despite a significant decrease in gastric mucin in rats [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Muc2


Biological context of Muc2


Anatomical context of Muc2

  • The C-terminal domain of rat Muc2 (RMC), a truncated RMC mutant containing the CK, and mutants lacking N9 and N10 sites, were expressed in COS-1 cells and the products monitored by radioactive [(35)S]Met/Cys metabolic pulse-chase and immunoprecipitation [22].
  • The expression of the rat Muc2 in the large intestine was confirmed immunochemically and by Northern blotting [17].
  • This study demonstrated that tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, a proinflammatory cytokine in mucoid effusion, markedly increased Muc2 mucin mRNA expression in middle ear epithelium, in a time- and dose-dependent manner [23].
  • RESULTS: the Muc2 mucin gene was expressed in middle ear mucosa of the control rats [24].
  • In the Eustachian tube, the Muc2, Muc4 and Muc5 mucin genes were expressed in both control and pneumococcal inoculation groups [24].

Associations of Muc2 with chemical compounds

  • We conclude that under normal conditions the presence of the N9 glycan functions to maintain a folding rate for mucin monomers that is sufficiently slow to allow structural maturation and stability of Muc2 dimers [22].
  • Even after purification, however, the mucin was still vulnerable to partial proteolysis unless it was stored in guanidinium chloride at -20 degrees C. These findings imply that a potent proteinase contaminant remains tightly bound to the mucin through every step of purification, or else that the mucin has autocatalytic properties [25].
  • Previous studies indicate that in addition to an unpaired cysteine, the three intramolecular cystine bonds of the knot are important for stability of the dimers formed by rat intestinal mucin Muc2 [22].
  • N-linked oligosaccharides play a role in disulphide-dependent dimerization of intestinal mucin Muc2 [22].
  • We propose that the presence, on the surface of M cells, of carbohydrates also expressed on Muc2, together with the absence of an enterocyte-associated mucin, could favor pathogen attachment and accessibility to the M-cell luminal membrane [26].

Physical interactions of Muc2


Regulatory relationships of Muc2


Other interactions of Muc2


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Muc2


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