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Gene Review

TCFL5  -  transcription factor-like 5 (basic helix...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CHA, Cha transcription factor, E2BP-1, E2BP1, Figlb, ...
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Disease relevance of TCFL5

  • The Pseudomonas aeruginosa cystic fibrosis isolate CHA induces type III secretion system-dependent but ExoU-independent oncosis of neutrophils and macrophages [1].
  • RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Medicare data (1984-2000) were linked with CHA baseline records (1967-1973) for 8,580 men and 6,723 women ages 33-64 years who were free of coronary heart disease, diabetes, and major electrocardiogram (ECG) abnormalities and who were Medicare eligible (65+ years) for at least 2 years [2].
  • The cDNA clone of the protein, designated E2BP, was isolated from a lambda gt11 expression library constructed from the hepatoma cell line HuH-6 which was screened with a binding site probe derived from EII [3].
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical cystic fibrosis isolate CHA was mutagenized with Tn5Tc to identify new genes involved in type III secretion system (TTSS)-dependent cytotoxicity toward human polymorphonuclear neutrophils [4].
  • The CF clinical isolate CHA shows toxicity towards human polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) which is dependent on the type III secretion system but independent of the cytotoxin ExoU [5].

Psychiatry related information on TCFL5

  • CHA (5 mg/kg, i.p.) alone or in combination with the tested antiepileptic drugs produced inhibition of locomotor activity and motor coordination, sedation and hypothermia as well as impairing of long-term memory [6].
  • The 1979 CHA survey of pastoral care programs [7].
  • Individual differences in change in POW and CHA were also correlated with prior levels of psychometric intelligence, and path analyses suggested a small but significant prediction of change in POW by prior levels of intelligence [8].
  • BACKGROUND: Village-based Community Health Aides and Community Health Practitioners (CHA/Ps) are the primary providers of health care in rural Alaska. METHODS: We discuss the development and results of a CHA/P cancer self-assessment survey, which assessed comfort with cancer knowledge and providing cancer information [9].

High impact information on TCFL5

  • MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Cause-specific mortality during 25 (CHA), 34 (PG), and 16 (MRFIT) years of follow-up; mortality risks; and estimated life expectancy in relation to baseline serum cholesterol levels [10].
  • Here we demonstrate that an adenosine A1 agonist, N(6)-cyclohexyladenosine (CHA), activated IKKalpha/beta phosphorylation through PTX-insensitive G proteins in human lymphoblastoma Reh cells [11].
  • Only Galpha(16) supported the CHA-induced IKK phosphorylation and NFkappaB-driven luciferase activity in time-dependent, dose-dependent, and PTX-insensitive manners [11].
  • CHA-infected macrophages could be protected from cell lysis with PEG3350, indicating that the pore introduced into RBC and macrophage membranes is of similar size [1].
  • Interaction of P. aeruginosa with red blood cells (RBCs) showed that the contact-dependent haemolysis provoked by CHA requires secretion via the type III system and the PcrV, PopB/PopD proteins [1].

Chemical compound and disease context of TCFL5


Biological context of TCFL5


Anatomical context of TCFL5

  • A non-cytotoxic mutant, lacking the type III-secreted proteins PcrV, PopB and PopD, was able to pack swarm only in the presence of the parental strain CHA or when macrophages were pretreated with the pore-forming toxin streptolysin O [1].
  • Analysis of CHA-infected cells by transmission electron microscopy, DNA fragmentation assay, and Hoechst staining revealed the hallmarks of oncosis: cellular and nuclear swelling, disintegration of the plasma membrane, and absence of DNA fragmentation [5].
  • The purpose of this project was to evaluate the response of trabecular meshwork cells to the addition of the adenosine A(1) receptor agonist N(6)-cyclohexyladenosine (CHA) [18].
  • Low concentrations of CHA induced protein coagulation in M. chelonae NCTC 946 spheroplasts, which also exhibited the highest loss of free non-polar lipids [19].
  • This study also showed the importance of the mycobacterial cell wall in conferring intrinsic resistance to CHA [19].

Associations of TCFL5 with chemical compounds

  • A number of 3'-C-methyl analogues of selective adenosine receptor agonists such as CPA, CHA, CCPA, 2'-Me-CCPA, NECA, and IB-MECA was synthesized to further investigate the subdomain of the receptor that binds the ribose moiety of the ligands [20].
  • Cyclic AMP (cAMP) produced in glomeruli was measured after incubation with different concentrations of N6-cyclohexyladenosine (CHA; A1 agonist) and a phosphodiesterase inhibitor [21].
  • A monoclonal antibody (CHA 255) that binds to benzyl-EDTA-indium chelates, but not to other forms of indium, was used to measure the percent of 111In remaining in the chelate [22].
  • Consistent with these findings, the CHA strain was associated with increased in vitro cytotoxicity on A549 cells, as assessed by the release of lactate dehydrogenase [23].
  • The rank order of activity of adenosine agonists in displacing specific [3H]NECA binding was NECA greater than or equal to 2-chloroadenosine greater than CHA greater than or equal to 5'-N-methylcarboxamido adenosine greater than or equal to R-PIA greater than CPA greater than S-PIA [24].

Other interactions of TCFL5

  • A number of novel Notch target genes, including the transcription factor TCFL5 and the HOXA cluster, were identified and functionally tested [25].
  • We suggest that KLF5, Erbin, and TCFL5 are essential for MCTS formation and play a key role in the development of tumor diseases.Molecular Therapy (2007) 15, 94-102. doi:10.1038/ [26].
  • To examine this issue, tightly controlled inducible BACE1 gene expression was established in the neuronal cell line N2ABP1 and the non-neuronal cell line E2BP1 using an ecdysone-inducible system [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of TCFL5


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