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Gene Review

EGR1  -  early growth response 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: AT225, EGR-1, Early growth response protein 1, G0S30, KROX-24, ...


EGR1 was identified in 1985 as a 3.4 kb mRNA showing rapid differential expression in cultured human peripheral blood mononuclear cells that had been treated with the lectin, Concanavalin-A, and cycloheximide [1]. It was one of a set of putative G0/G1 switch (G0S) regulatory genes (and was named G0S30). A close sequence similarity to the mRNAs of rat NGF1A and mouse Krox24 was reported in 1990 [2]. Rapid induction by Concanavalin-A alone was reported in 1996, as was an apparent inhibition by "stealth" concentrations (50 nM) of a complementary oligonucleotide . The ineffectiveness of higher oligonucleotide concentrations was deemed due to activation of an intracellular defense system against foreign nucleic acids [3]. In 1997 EGR1/G0S30 was reported to be one of several genes whose transcripts increase in "stressed" cells (i.e. the stress of isolation of the cells from human subjects). The cells had first to be "rested" in culture for 24 h in order to demonstrate most clearly the brisk (30 min) elevation of mRNA in response to Concanavalin-A [4]. It was speculated that the stress response is part of a pan-genic (and pan-nongenic) transcriptional response directed at foreign nucleic acids [5].


Disease relevance of EGR1


Psychiatry related information on EGR1


High impact information on EGR1

  • The amino acid sequence of the predicted polypeptide shows significant homology to two growth regulated mammalian polypeptides, EGR1 and EGR2 [12].
  • This structure-based strategy was tested by construction of a fusion protein, ZFHD1, that contained zinc fingers 1 and 2 from Zif268, a short polypeptide linker, and the homeodomain from Oct-1 [13].
  • Analyzing the GLI complex and comparing it with Zif268 offers new perspectives on Zn finger-DNA recognition [14].
  • In transient transfection assays, the WT1 protein functioned as a repressor of transcription when bound to the EGR-1 site [15].
  • The binding sites obtained were similar to the sequence recognized by the early growth response-1 (EGR-1) gene product, a zinc finger-containing protein that is induced by mitogenic stimuli [16].

Chemical compound and disease context of EGR1


Biological context of EGR1

  • This zinc-finger region, which is thought to bind DNA in a sequence-specific manner, is similar (greater than 80% on the amino acid level) to two previously described transcription factors pAT 225/EGR1 and pAT 591/EGR2 [22].
  • We report that WT1, but not EGR1, can bind specific Igf-2 exonic RNA sequences, and that the zinc fingers are required for this interaction [23].
  • WT1 encodes a transcription factor which binds to the EGR1 consensus sequence, mediating transcriptional repression [24].
  • By hybridizing probes to metaphase cells with overlapping deletions involving 5q31, we have narrowed the critical region to a small segment of 5q31 containing the EGR1 gene [6].
  • Transactivation of the EGR1 gene contributes to mutant p53 gain of function [25].

Anatomical context of EGR1


Associations of EGR1 with chemical compounds

  • The minor groove binder chromomycin A3 inhibited EGR1 complex formation but resulted in a smaller increase of the TBP complex [8].
  • Finally, we demonstrate that dexamethasone, an inhibitor of monocytic differentiation, blocks the associated increases in EGR-1 and EGR-2 expression [29].
  • Preincubation with cycloheximide was associated with superinduction of JUN and EGR1 in x-irradiated cells [30].
  • Inhibition of protein kinase C activity by prolonged stimulation with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate or the protein kinase inhibitor H7 prior to irradiation attenuated the increase in EGR1 and JUN transcripts [30].
  • The most abundant splicing variants contain a nine-nucleotide insertion encoding lysine, threonine, and serine (KTS) in the H-C link region between the third and fourth WT1 zinc fingers which disrupts binding to a previously defined WT1-EGR1 binding site [31].
  • These data suggest that bombesin enhances Egr-1 expression leading to increased hPar1 transcription, thereby increasing PAR1 expression and function [32].

Physical interactions of EGR1

  • We hypothesize that CpG hypomethylation in the heparanase promoter coupled with up-regulation of EGR1 levels may induce heparanase expression in human prostate cancer [33].
  • Reporter constructs bearing the EGR-1 binding segment of the TGF-beta 1 promoter was activated 4- to 6-fold relative to a control reporter in either HT-1080 cells that stably expressed or parental cells cotransfected with an EGR-1 expression vector [34].
  • EGR-1 binds to the ATF3 promoter as assessed by gel shift assay [18].
  • Our findings suggest that high levels of EGR1 coupled with low levels of NAB2 can result in high, unrestrained EGR1 transcriptional activity in human prostate cancers [35].
  • Egr-1 binding to a recognition sequence in the TIMP-1 promoter was demonstrated in gel retardation and reporter gene assays [36].

Enzymatic interactions of EGR1


Regulatory relationships of EGR1


Other interactions of EGR1

  • In the absence of p53, WT1 acts as a potent transcriptional activator of the early growth response gene 1 (EGR1) site, rather than a transcriptional repressor [24].
  • Early growth response gene 1 modulates androgen receptor signaling in prostate carcinoma cells [7].
  • Our results suggest that Egr-1 induction is a unique property of TGZ compared with other PPAR gamma ligands and is independent of PPAR gamma activation [39].
  • The blocking of egr-1 with an antisense sequence prevented H. pylori-induced Egr-1 and CD44 protein expression [43].
  • In NG108-15 cells, dbcAMP excerted a strong enhancing activity on the transactivation properties of NGFI-C while this was not observed when cells were transfected with NGFI-A [44].
  • We provide novel evidence for a complex c-Jun-mediated mechanism that is essential for inducible EGR-1 expression [45].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of EGR1

  • Moreover, chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis indicates that mutant p53 is physically associated with the EGR1 promoter [25].
  • Increased EGR1 protein expression was confirmed by Western blot analysis [46].
  • We performed methylation-specific PCR targeting the CpG sites within the core-binding consensus motifs of EGR1 (GGCG) and Sp1 (GGGCGG) [27].
  • We propose that gene therapy involving sustained EGR-1 expression may constitute a novel therapeutic principle in the treatment of cancer due to the simultaneous induction of multiple pathways of antiangiogenesis, growth arrest, and apoptosis induction in proliferating cells leading to preferential inhibition of angiogenesis and tumor growth [47].
  • Egr-1 expression was assayed by immunoblotting and electrophoretic mobility shift assays using H. pylori-stimulated AGS cells [43].


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  33. Increased heparanase expression is caused by promoter hypomethylation and up-regulation of transcriptional factor early growth response-1 in human prostate cancer. Ogishima, T., Shiina, H., Breault, J.E., Tabatabai, L., Bassett, W.W., Enokida, H., Li, L.C., Kawakami, T., Urakami, S., Ribeiro-Filho, L.A., Terashima, M., Fujime, M., Igawa, M., Dahiya, R. Clin. Cancer Res. (2005) [Pubmed]
  34. Transcription factor EGR-1 suppresses the growth and transformation of human HT-1080 fibrosarcoma cells by induction of transforming growth factor beta 1. Liu, C., Adamson, E., Mercola, D. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1996) [Pubmed]
  35. Frequent and early loss of the EGR1 corepressor NAB2 in human prostate carcinoma. Abdulkadir, S.A., Carbone, J.M., Naughton, C.K., Humphrey, P.A., Catalona, W.J., Milbrandt, J. Hum. Pathol. (2001) [Pubmed]
  36. Transcription factor early growth response 1 activity up-regulates expression of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 1 in human synovial fibroblasts. Aicher, W.K., Alexander, D., Haas, C., Kuchen, S., Pagenstecher, A., Gay, S., Peter, H.H., Eibel, H. Arthritis Rheum. (2003) [Pubmed]
  37. Proximal cyclic AMP response element is essential for exendin-4 induction of rat EGR-1 gene. Kang, J.H., Kim, M.J., Jang, H.I., Koh, K.H., Yum, K.S., Rhie, D.J., Yoon, S.H., Hahn, S.J., Kim, M.S., Jo, Y.H. Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab. (2007) [Pubmed]
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  39. Troglitazone, a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR gamma ) ligand, selectively induces the early growth response-1 gene independently of PPAR gamma. A novel mechanism for its anti-tumorigenic activity. Baek, S.J., Wilson, L.C., Hsi, L.C., Eling, T.E. J. Biol. Chem. (2003) [Pubmed]
  40. Amyloid peptide-induced cytokine and chemokine expression in THP-1 monocytes is blocked by small inhibitory RNA duplexes for early growth response-1 messenger RNA. Giri, R.K., Selvaraj, S.K., Kalra, V.K. J. Immunol. (2003) [Pubmed]
  41. Early growth response proteins (EGR) and nuclear factors of activated T cells (NFAT) form heterodimers and regulate proinflammatory cytokine gene expression. Decker, E.L., Nehmann, N., Kampen, E., Eibel, H., Zipfel, P.F., Skerka, C. Nucleic Acids Res. (2003) [Pubmed]
  42. Egr-1 mediates hypoxia-inducible transcription of the NDRG1 gene through an overlapping Egr-1/Sp1 binding site in the promoter. Zhang, P., Tchou-Wong, K.M., Costa, M. Cancer Res. (2007) [Pubmed]
  43. Helicobacter pylori activates the early growth response 1 protein in gastric epithelial cells. Abdel-Latif, M.M., Windle, H.J., Fitzgerald, K.A., Ang, Y.S., Eidhin, D.N., Li-Weber, M., Sabra, K., Kelleher, D. Infect. Immun. (2004) [Pubmed]
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  45. Transcriptional regulation of EGR-1 by the interleukin-1-JNK-MKK7-c-Jun pathway. Hoffmann, E., Ashouri, J., Wolter, S., Doerrie, A., Dittrich-Breiholz, O., Schneider, H., Wagner, E.F., Troppmair, J., Mackman, N., Kracht, M. J. Biol. Chem. (2008) [Pubmed]
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  47. Sustained expression of early growth response protein-1 blocks angiogenesis and tumor growth. Lucerna, M., Pomyje, J., Mechtcheriakova, D., Kadl, A., Gruber, F., Bilban, M., Sobanov, Y., Schabbauer, G., Breuss, J., Wagner, O., Bischoff, M., Clauss, M., Binder, B.R., Hofer, E. Cancer Res. (2006) [Pubmed]
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