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Serous Membrane

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Disease relevance of Serous Membrane


High impact information on Serous Membrane

  • The finding of late and transient patterns of Kr activity in several tissues, such as the developing nervous system, amnion serosa, and muscle precursor cells suggests that Kr activity may be required in several developmental processes after segmentation has been completed [6].
  • Here, we test the idea that the MHC class I-related Fc-receptor, FcRn, transports IgG across the mucosal surface of the human and mouse lung from lumen to serosa [7].
  • (c) The Na+ ionophore monensin produced an inhibition of ADH and cAMP actions that was dependent on the presence of Na+ and Ca2+ in the serosa [8].
  • Tetrodotoxin also enhanced the mucosa to serosa fluxes of Na and C1, reduced the potential difference and Isc, and increased conductance [9].
  • METHODS: The serosa to mucosa HCO3- flux (Jsm) across rabbit ileal mucosa mounted between HCO(3-)-free mucosal solution and HCO(3-)-containing serosal solutions was determined by titration [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Serous Membrane

  • METHODS: Gastric ulcers were induced in rats by application of glacial acetic acid to the serosa of the fundus [11].
  • Microscopic examination of the surgically resected colon revealed mucosal and submucosal fibrosis, and a thickening of the venous wall with fibrosis, hyalinization and calcification from the mucosa to the serosa, which caused a marked luminal narrowing [12].
  • These data suggested that the muscularis/serosa could serve as a major source for the elevated PG, previously shown to occur following long-term resuscitation after acute hemorrhage [13].
  • In order to examine local toxicity, tissue retention, and transfer to lymph nodes of 5-FU emulsion, the drug was administered perorally to rats and injected intramurally through the gastric serosa into laparotomized dogs [14].
  • Operations on the pelvis for infertility were performed upon 92 patients, in all of whom the exposed peritoneal serosa was irrigated throughout with warm isotonic Ringer's lactate solution [15].

Biological context of Serous Membrane

  • An hb expression domain at the anterior pole precisely demarcates the border between the extraembryonic serosa and the embryonic field in the Tribolium embryo at an early stage, and hb protein remains expressed in the serosa cells until the end of embryogenesis [16].
  • Chemical stimulation of the jejunal serosa with hydrochloric acid (0.1 M), ethanol (20%), cat bile or 7-deoxycholic acid (10 mM) evoked an intestinal fluid secretion [17].
  • Three admission variables (heart rate, base excess, and plasma chloride concentration), and 5 surgical variables (heart rate, base excess, diagnosis, method of decompression used, and appearance of abomasal serosa) were used in the final models [18].
  • The correlation between the expression of p53 protein and DNA ploidy in patients with gastric cancer that has invaded the serosa [19].
  • Isolated intestine, mounted between identical oxygenated seawater solutions, maintained stable transmural potential differences (serosa negative) and short-circuit currents for several hours at 25 degrees C. The addition of glycine to the mucosal solution stimulated rapid sustained increases in these electrical characteristics [20].

Anatomical context of Serous Membrane


Associations of Serous Membrane with chemical compounds

  • Four silver-silver chloride electrodes were surgically implanted at 5-cm intervals on the jejunal serosa of 7 neonatal pigs [26].
  • Responses to intraarterial carbachol, vagal stimulation, and field stimulation recorded by these devices were compared to those registered by strain gauges sewn onto the overlying serosa [27].
  • Simultaneous cholecystokinin stimulation of both the lumen and serosa was the most potent stimulus to contraction, and the responses were significantly inhibited by atropine and tetrodotoxin [28].
  • Purified synthetic products from the cytochrome P450 pathway of arachidonate metabolism were applied to the intestinal serosa [29].
  • Adenosine applied to the serosa caused dose-dependent increases in calculated blood flow with a threshold near 10(-5) M and a maximum near 10(-3) M [30].

Gene context of Serous Membrane

  • Less intense immunostaining in the serosa and/or smooth muscle was also noted for TGF alpha, IGF-I, and TGF beta 1 [31].
  • In situ hybridisation and immunohistochemistry confirmed micro-anatomical location of Gpx1 within lymphatic tissue and the lamina propria, sub-mucosa, muscularis and serosa, but not the lumenal epithelium [32].
  • In Clogmia hb expression deviates from that known in Drosophila in two main respects: (1) it shows an extended dorsal domain that is linked to the large serosa anlage, and (2) it shows a terminal expression in the proctodeal region [33].
  • Among the PA system factors, both the levels of uPAR and PAI-1 were significantly higher in larger tumors than in smaller ones, and were also significantly higher in tumors that invaded subserosa, serosa or adjacent organs than in mucosal, submucosal tumors or in tumors that invaded the muscle layer [34].
  • Overexpression of ERK-3 was correlated to TNM staging (average ratio of integral optic density (IOD)(tumor): IOD(normal) in TNM I, II, III, IV tumors was 1.43+/-0.34, 5.08+/-3.74, 4.99+/-1.08, 1.44+/-1.02, n = 42, P = 0.023) and serosa invasion (4.31+/-4.34 vs 2.00+/-2.03, P = 0.037) [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Serous Membrane

  • For the first 30 minutes of reperfusion, the serosa was superfused with a Ringer's vehicle containing either adenosine (ADO; 10(-4) M), acetylcholine (ACh; 10(-5) M), or prostacyclin (PGI2; 3 x 10(-7) M) [36].
  • To further examine the effects of E and 9-AC on gastric function, 4 ewes were prepared with abomasal cannulas and 3 silver/silver chloride monopolar electrodes alternated with 2 strain gauges on the distal one-third of the abomasal serosa [37].
  • Eighty Sprague-Dawley rats underwent laparotomy; 100% acetic acid was applied to the lower gastric corpus serosa for 30 s and the abdomen was closed [38].
  • It is concluded that fibrin sealant combined with serosa microsutures certainly is the most convenient method in human tubal microsurgery seeing that this method maintains a higher tensil strength at the site of reanastomosis as compared to group B and avoid the risk of mucosal lesions as compared to group C [39].
  • Isosulfan blue dye was injected into the endomyometrium around the tumour by hysteroscopy, into the serosa overlying the tumour, or both [40].


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