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Chemical Compound Review

Hydroxyquinol     benzene-1,2,4-triol

Synonyms: Oxyhydrochinon, CPD-8130, NSC-2818, ACMC-1B10C, CCRIS 2987, ...
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Disease relevance of C02814


High impact information on C02814


Chemical compound and disease context of C02814


Biological context of C02814

  • The possibility that 1,2,4-benzenetriol-induced DNA damage is one of the primary reactions in carcinogenesis induced by benzene is discussed [15].
  • This enzyme exhibits a highly restricted substrate specificity and is able to cleave hydroxyquinol (K(m) for hydroxyquinol as a substrate was 1.2 microM, V(max) 55 U/mg, K(cat) 57 s-1 and K(cat)/K(m) 47.5 microM s-1), 6-chloro- and 5-chlorohydroxyquinol [16].
  • XAS characterization of the active sites of novel intradiol ring-cleaving dioxygenases: hydroxyquinol and chlorocatechol dioxygenases [17].
  • The multistep pathway involves the degradation of I and subsequent intermediates by oxidation, reduction, and methylation reactions to yield the key intermediate 1,2,4-trihydroxybenzene (III) [18].
  • The finding directed us to PCR amplify a 3.2-kb fragment containing a gene cluster (tcpABC) from JMP134 by using primers designed from conserved regions of FADH2-utilizing monooxygenases and hydroxyquinol 1,2-dioxygenases [19].

Anatomical context of C02814


Associations of C02814 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of C02814


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of C02814


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