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Chemical Compound Review

Formycin     (2R,3R,4S,5R)-2-(5-amino- 2,4,7,8...

Synonyms: formycin A, CHEMBL471524, SureCN980049, SureCN4196088, CHEBI:42452, ...
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Disease relevance of Formycin


High impact information on Formycin

  • Uninfected macrophages also convert formycin B into the same products, but the levels are markedly lower than those seen in infected macrophages [6].
  • Na(+)-dependent formycin B transport activity in intestinal epithelium decreases from jejunum to ileum and is absent in descending colon [7].
  • From the metabolic profile, we conclude that formycin B is first converted to the 5'-monophosphate by the nucleoside phosphotransferase found in Leishmania and is subsequently converted to cytotoxic adenosine nucleotide analogs of formycin A that become incorporated into RNA [8].
  • The nucleoside triphosphates (NTPs) with an amino group at the 6 position and hydrogen at the 8 position, and formycin 5'-triphosphate (FTP) were hydrolyzed by myosin very slowly in the presence of Mg2+ and rapidly in the presence of EDTA and K+ [9].
  • In cell hybrids formed between FomR X FomS cells and FomR X Toyr cells, the formycin-resistant phenotype of both of the FomR mutants behaved codominantly [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Formycin


Biological context of Formycin

  • Formycin B inhibited growth of L5178Y mouse leukemia cells in concentrations of less than twice the concentration that inhibits cell proliferation at 50% by cytostasis; at higher concentrations (more than twice the 50% concentration mentioned), the cells were killed [15].
  • In contrast, [3H]adenosine phosphorylation was insensitive to formycin A except at very high concentrations [16].
  • Deletion of amino acids 128-135, corresponding to DGSELTLD, produced an enzyme with a 20-fold decrease in Vmax but with smaller changes in substrate saturation kinetics, activation by MgATP, inhibition by inorganic phosphate, and inhibition by the tight-binding inhibitor, formycin 5-phosphate [17].
  • Study of the nucleotide binding site of the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe plasma membrane H+-ATPase using formycin triphosphate-terbium complex [18].
  • Biochemical genetic analysis of formycin B action in Leishmania donovani [2].

Anatomical context of Formycin


Associations of Formycin with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Formycin


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Formycin

  • The purification involves DEAE-Sephadex chromatography followed by affinity chromatography on a column of Sepharose/formycin B [29].
  • Several 3-beta-D-ribofuranosyl-1,2,4-triazolo[3,4-f]-1,2,4-triazines related to formycin were prepared and tested for their antitumor activity in cell culture [30].
  • The advantages of using HPLC to examine the interconnecting activities of a multienzyme complex in subcellular fractions are discussed, including the increased sensitivity obtained by using formycin analogs in the assay procedures.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)[31]
  • The levels of formycin B in serum after the final oral administration of 26 mg/kg/day were 1.4 micrograms/ml at 1 hr and 0.3 microgram/ml at 2 hr [32].
  • This early inhibitory effect of formycin A upon insulin release coincided, in perforated patch whole-cell recordings, with an initial transient increase of ATP-sensitive K+ channel activity [33].


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