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Gene Review

H2  -  histocompatibility-2, MHC

Mus musculus

Synonyms: H-2, MHC-II
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Disease relevance of H2


Psychiatry related information on H2

  • This finding is most readily accommodated within the altered self concept (postulating that T cells are specific for virus-modified self structures) but cannot exclude the possibility of a physiological interaction mechanism being responsible for the apparent H-2 restriction of virus-specific cytotoxic T cells [6].

High impact information on H2

  • The H-2 genes encode ubiquitously expressed transplantation antigens that serve as recognition structures for cytotoxic T cells [7].
  • A panel of target cells was obtained by the double transfection and expression of a retrovirus gene and a foreign H-2 gene in recipient mouse fibroblasts [8].
  • They display enhancer-like activity in cells that express H-2 genes, but show some tissue specificity in that they function very poorly in undifferentiated embryonal carcinoma cells in which H-2 genes are not expressed [9].
  • On genomic DNA blots, the restriction fragments containing H-2-related sequences were highly variable among different inbred strains of mice, whereas they were very similar among different t haplotypes even when the t haplotypes carried serologically different H-2 haplotypes [10].
  • Naturally occurring t haplotypes suppress recombination over a region of mouse chromosome 17 that includes the H-2 complex [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of H2


Biological context of H2


Anatomical context of H2

  • In conclusion, our results demonstrate that both H1 and H2 receptors are involved in learning and memory processes for which the frontal cortex, amygdala and hippocampus interact [21].
  • Transformation of murine NIH3T3 fibroblasts with retroviral vectors carrying the mos, myc and the Ha-ras oncogene, respectively, was associated with a strong reduction of H2 antigen expression in the cell membrane [22].
  • The K and D regions of the H-2 gene complex are highly polymorphic and control cell-surface structures involved in the H-2 restriction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes [23].
  • Comparison of H-2 antigens immunoprecipitated from normal spleen cells and from thioglycollate-induced adherent peritoneal exudate cells cultured in the presence or absence of supernatant fluids from concanavalin A-stimulated spleen cells revealed that H-2K' was not expressed on the adherent peritoneal cells [24].
  • V beta 3+ T cells are eliminated in Mls-2a mice carrying some, but not all, H-2 types [25].

Associations of H2 with chemical compounds

  • Selective cognitive dysfunction in mice lacking histamine H1 and H2 receptors [21].
  • Glyoxalase I polymorphism in the mouse: a new genetic marker linked to H-2 [17].
  • Lethal deletion of the complement component C4 and steroid 21-hydroxylase genes in the mouse H-2 class III region, caused by meiotic recombination [19].
  • We have continued our investigations of line lung carcinoma cells to understand the molecular basis of decreased expression of class I H-2 Ag and class I Ag induction with DMSO [26].
  • Sgp-1b, which appeared in most of the H-2 types tested, corresponds with low serum gp70 output in B10 congenic lines and F1 hybrid offspring of B10 and NZB crosses and with increased gp70 production after lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation [27].

Physical interactions of H2

  • The results indicated that murine Bf was controlled by a single codominant locus located close to the H-2 complex because no mouse showing recombination between Bf locus and S locus was found [28].
  • We include into the H-2 complex the cluster of Qa and Tla loci, which we consider as class I loci (Klein et al. 1983) [29].
  • The most straightforward interpretation of the results presented here is that these t haplotypes carry an H-2 complex located between the centromere and tufted locus [30].
  • Chromosome 17 of the mouse carries the H-2 complex and the T/t complex [31].
  • Linkage studies showed that both of the major NZB and NZW genes are loosely linked to the H-2 complex but not to either the Mup-1 or coat color gene loci examined [32].

Regulatory relationships of H2

  • First, a profound inhibition of primary PFC responses occurs when foreign H-2 antigens are expressed on Thy-1 incompatible donor cells [33].
  • Our results demonstrate that the Ity gene may modulate the antibody responses to the foreign antigen but that the major genetic influence is exerted by H-2 genes, which control the capacity of mice to respond to the antigen expressed by recombinant attenuated Salmonella cells [34].
  • These experiments suggest that alloantisera to the H-2 complex express at least part of their inhibitory properties by blocking the Fc receptor on B cells, and the data support the concept that certain Ia antigens and the Fc receptor are identical or closely associated [35].
  • These findings suggest the possibility that orexin A may activate H1 and H2 receptors in the supraspinal levels through the release of histamine from neurons, which might attenuate the antinociceptive effects of orexin A [36].

Other interactions of H2

  • The finding that the D region controls H-2L and H-2M, as well as H-2D, molecules suggests that the system of H-2 antigens is more complicated [23].
  • In three such crosses, with 5* offspring, C3 segregated with H-2 in 46 instances, corresponding to a recombination frequency of approximately equal to 0.12 [20].
  • Control of H-2 class I and beta 2-microglobulin gene expression by M-MuLV, and probably by M-MSV, takes place at the transcriptional level as indicated by nuclear runoff studies and analysis of steady-state mRNA levels [37].
  • Evidence for placing the Neu-1 locus within the mouse H-2 complex [38].
  • A classical breeding analysis of the complete t haplotypes, tw5 and t12, utilizing the newly induced markers, reveals two inversions in t chromatin: one involving T and qk, and one involving tf and the H-2 complex [39].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of H2

  • A gene mapping between the S and D regions of the H-2 complex influences resistance to Trichinella spiralis infections of mice [40].
  • In L cells, these genes direct the synthesis of hybrid H-2 proteins and by using monoclonal antibodies of defined specificities, we have mapped classically defined serological specificities to structurally defined domains of the transplantation antigen protein [41].
  • Sequence analysis of mouse H-2 cDNA clones has suggested the existence of an unusual class of H-2 (class I)-related antigens that, unlike the classical membrane-associated molecules, retains only the extracellular portion and is likely to be secreted [42].
  • Qa-1-specific, H-2-unrestricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) generated from reciprocally immunized B10.BR (H-2k, Qa-1a) and CBA (H-2k, Qa-1b) mice, and immunoprecipitation of cell surface Qa-1 were used to examined Qa-1 region determinant expression by H-2r and H-2f mice [43].
  • We have found the definitive location of the H-2 complex by the use of in situ hybridization [31].


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