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Gene Review

Klra1  -  killer cell lectin-like receptor,...

Mus musculus

Synonyms: A1, CH29-493D4.3, Klra22, Ly-49, Ly-49a, ...
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Disease relevance of Klra1


High impact information on Klra1

  • One type of surface receptor such as the NKR-P1 molecule may activate NK activity whereas the other, represented by the mouse Ly-49 molecule, may engage target cell MHC molecules and inhibit cytotoxicity by transducing "negative" signals [6].
  • The Ly-49 and NKR-P1 gene families encoding lectin-like receptors on natural killer cells: the NK gene complex [6].
  • Both Ly49A binding sites on MHC-I are spatially distinct from that of the T-cell receptor [7].
  • At one interface, a single Ly49A subunit contacts one side of the MHC-I peptide-binding platform, presenting an open cavity towards the conserved glycosylation site on the H-2D(d) alpha2 domain [7].
  • We show here that the Ly49A and Ly49C NK-cell receptors are each subject to allelic exclusion [8].

Biological context of Klra1

  • Evidence for epigenetic maintenance of Ly49a monoallelic gene expression [9].
  • Screening of a 129/J cDNA library led to the discovery of 10 distinct full-length Ly49-related coding sequences (Ly49e, g, i, o, p, r, s, t, u, and v) [10].
  • Ly49 divergence should be considered when using 129-derived embryonic stem cells for the production of gene-targeted mice, especially when an immune or NK-derived phenotype is under scrutiny [10].
  • Finally, in apparent contrast to the KIR genes, we show that DNA methylation and the histone acetylation state of the Pro-2 region are strictly linked with Ly49a expression status [9].
  • NKR-P1 and Ly-49 are structurally related, and they are encoded by genetically linked loci in a chromosomal region, termed the NK gene complex (NKC), on distal mouse chromosome 6 [6].

Anatomical context of Klra1


Associations of Klra1 with chemical compounds

  • An immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif-containing, Ly49D-related clone was discovered that we have named Ly49O, and one immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif-lacking, Ly49A-related clone was discovered that we have named Ly49P [14].
  • Lymphocytes cytotoxic for HSV-infected cells lysed C57BL/6 Wt-3 cells infected with the mutant, ts A1, at 39 degrees C less efficiently than at 33 degrees C. Treatment of HSV-infected C57BL/6 Wt-3 cells with 1% 2-deoxy-D-glucose for 14 hr reduced their susceptibility to T cell-mediated lysis by 73% in the 51Cr release assay [15].
  • In examining the specificity of mouse and rat Ly49, we noticed that MHC I ligands for mouse Ly49G and W, and the rat Ly49i2, typically share the HLA-B7 supertype, defined by a B-pocket that prefers a proline at position 2 in bound peptides [16].
  • Probing with specific lectins showed that the glycoprotein contains terminal alpha-D-GalNAc, and either terminal alpha-D-NeuAc or non-terminal beta-D-(GlcNAc)2 residues, but fails to react with concanavalin A and Ulex Europeus A-1 lectins which are specific for branched alpha-D-mannose and alpha-L-fucose moieties respectively [17].
  • Mutation of tyrosine-36 to phenylalanine did not significantly affect the affinities of these proteins for the tyrosine-phosphorylated cytoplasmic tail of Ly49A [18].

Physical interactions of Klra1

  • Flow cytometric analyses of COS cells transfected with the two cDNAs showed that the 5E6 antibody binds to both Ly-49 molecules, while another anti-Ly-49C antibody, 4LO3311, binds to the newly described Ly-49C but not the previously reported Ly-49CB6 [19].
  • We have recently shown that the MHC-I ligand-binding capacity of the Ly49A NK cell receptor is controlled by the NK cells' own MHC-I [20].
  • Moreover, flow cytometry analysis of hypodiploid DNA and annexin V binding revealed that ligation of Ly49A protected cells from apoptosis induced by anti-CD3 mAbs or Ag [21].
  • We previously reported a selective deficiency of NK cells in a C57BL/6 mouse with a transgenic construct consisting of the cDNA for the Ly49A major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class 1-specific inhibitory receptor driven by the granzyme A gene [22].
  • ATF-2-binding regulatory element is responsible for the Ly49A expression in murine T lymphoid line, EL-4 [23].

Regulatory relationships of Klra1


Other interactions of Klra1

  • The Ly49I monomer adopts a fold similar to that of other C-type lectin-like NK receptors, including Ly49A, NKG2D and CD69 [28].
  • In contrast, even a higher expression of H60 molecule on the target cells failed to overcome the inhibition mediated by Ly49A/G receptors [29].
  • In addition to the previously characterized Ly49P, two new activating Ly49 proteins were discovered, Ly49R and U [10].
  • In contrast, NK cell inhibition by the MHC class I-specific receptor Ly49A was independent of Fyn, suggesting that Fyn is specifically required for NK cell activation via non-MHC receptor(s) [24].
  • Furthermore, cytotoxicity assays were performed using anti-Ly49A mAb-separated interleukin-2-activated NK cells [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Klra1

  • In contrast, ligation of the Ly49A/H chimeric receptor had no antiapoptotic effect [21].
  • Furthermore, in an experimental system based on adoptive transfer of spleen cells, receptor down-regulation of Ly49A occurred as a rapid adaptation process in mature NK cells after interaction with the H-2Dd ligand in vivo [31].
  • Polymerase chain reaction analysis revealed that although fetal NK cells are severely deficient in the expression of mRNA for Ly49A, B, C, D, G, H, and I they express high levels of Ly49E mRNA, raising the possibility that Ly49E may have an important and special function in the early development of the NK lineage [32].
  • Role of interaction between Ly49 inhibitory receptors and cognate MHC I molecules in IL2-induced development of NK cells in murine bone marrow cell cultures [33].
  • Electrophoretic mobility shift assays using oligonucleotide probes from the core Ly49i promoter and comparable regions from the Ly49a promoter demonstrated the importance of TATA-related elements in generating EL-4 and NK cell-specific DNA/protein complexes [34].


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