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Gene Review

AGT  -  angiotensinogen (serpin peptidase...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: ANHU, Angiotensinogen, SERPINA8, Serpin A8
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Disease relevance of AGT


Psychiatry related information on AGT

  • The current results suggested that AGT T235M polymorphism might be a risk factor of vascular dementia [7].
  • We sought to determine whether the M235T angiotensinogen (AGT) polymorphism, either interacting with habitual physical activity (PA) levels or independently, was associated with cardiovascular (CV) hemodynamics during maximal and submaximal exercise [8].
  • The AGT T235 allele does not appear to be a marker for blood pressure variation in this group, but variants on chromosome 1q lying in or near the AGT gene may contribute to individual differences in the blood pressure response to ACE inhibition [9].
  • In this cross-sectional study, we examined the association between functional polymorphisms in the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and angiotensinogen (AGT) genes in 115 bipolar affective disorder (BPAD) patients and 323healthy control subjects [10].
  • The reason of this is not clear, but from the above mentioned seemingly indispensable association of grass-eating with the peroxisomal localization of SPT/AGT it may be related, at least in part, to the food habit of Japanese, especially that of old generation, that they prefer boiled greens rather than frying or raw vegetables [11].

High impact information on AGT

  • The corroboration and replication afforded by these results support the interpretation that molecular variants of AGT constitute inherited predispositions to essential hypertension in humans [12].
  • However, ACE I-D and AGT M235T polymorphisms interacted significantly (P = 0.0166): in subjects with ACE ID and DD genotypes, renal involvement increased from the AGT MM to TT genotypes [13].
  • Our results suggest that polymorphisms at the AGT and ACE gene loci are important markers for predicting progression to chronic renal failure in Caucasian patients with IgA nephropathy [14].
  • Similarly, patients with AGT MT and TT genotypes had higher maximal values of proteinuria than those with the MM genotype (i.e., median values, 2.5 and 3.5 vs. 2.0 g/d, respectively; P < 0.02 by Kruskal-Wallis test) [14].
  • Multivariant analysis, however, detected an interaction between the AGT and ACE gene polymorphisms with the presence of ACE/DD polymorphism adversely affecting disease progression only in patients with the AGT/MM genotype (P = 0.008) [14].

Chemical compound and disease context of AGT


Biological context of AGT

  • Angiotensin II, a potent vasoactive peptide produced by proteolysis of the angiotensinogen (AGT) prohormone, plays a critical role in cardiovascular homeostasis [2].
  • Here, we tested the hypothesis that glial-derived AGT plays an important role in blood pressure regulation in hypertensive mice carrying human renin (hREN) and human AGT transgenes under the control of their own endogenous promoters [20].
  • RESULTS: Of the 12 SNPs genotyped, Glu53Stop in AGT and A>T (-777) in AT1 genes, were monomorphic and not included for further analysis [21].
  • This promoter targets expression of transgene products to astrocytes, the most abundant cell type expressing AGT in brain [22].
  • Because of the inability to dissect the functional role of astrocyte- vs. neuron-derived AGT in vivo by pharmacological approaches, the exact role of neuron-derived AGT in the regulation of blood pressure (BP) and fluid and electrolyte balance remains unclear [23].

Anatomical context of AGT

  • Angiotensinogen (AGT) is mainly expressed in glial cells in close proximity to renin-expressing neurons in the brain [20].
  • The angiotensinogen gene (AGT) is a thrifty gene which increases the risk for common disease with growth of civilization via sodium and body fluid retention [24].
  • In the brain, angiotensinogen (AGT) is expressed in astrocytes and in some neurons important to cardiovascular control, but its functional role remains undefined [22].
  • In one line examined in detail, transgene expression was high in brain and low in tissues outside the central nervous system, and the level of plasma hAGT was not elevated over baseline [22].
  • RESULTS: Human renal proximal tubule epithelial cells bound (125)I-AGT in a time-dependent manner [25].

Associations of AGT with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of AGT

  • Upregulation of human angiotensinogen (AGT) gene transcription by interferon-gamma: Involvement of the STAT1-binding motif in the AGT promoter [28].
  • A substitution (M235T) polymorphism in angiotensinogen (AGT) may interact with ACE I/D polymorphism for the risk of diabetic nephropathy, but their prognostic values have to be established by follow-up studies [29].
  • We show that recombinant glucocorticoid receptor (GR) binds strongly to the AGT gene promoter when nucleoside A is present at -217, and dexamethasone treatment increases the interleukin 6 induced promoter activity of reporter constructs containing nucleoside A at -217 [30].

Enzymatic interactions of AGT

  • Plasma AGT concentration was estimated from plasma angiotensin I which was cleaved by an excess amount of human renin and measured by RIA [31].

Regulatory relationships of AGT

  • IFN gamma treatment up-regulated AGT mRNA level and promoter activity in Hep3B hepatocytes [28].
  • METHODS: Genotyping for the G460W-ADD, M235T-AGT and the insertion/deletion (I/D)-ACE gene polymorphisms was performed in 260 control subjects and 260 ESRD patients using polymerase chain reaction, gel analysis and appropriate restriction digest [32].
  • ACE and AGT genes did not display any difference in clinical or metabolic parameters according to each gene's genotype for either the control or the NIDDM group [33].

Other interactions of AGT


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of AGT


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