Gene Review:
SST - somatostatin
Sus scrofa
- Effect of ketone bodies on glucose production and utilization in the miniature pig. Müller, M.J., Paschen, U., Seitz, H.J. J. Clin. Invest. (1984)
- Angiopeptin inhibits intimal hyperplasia after angioplasty in porcine coronary arteries. Santoian, E.D., Schneider, J.E., Gravanis, M.B., Foegh, M., Tarazona, N., Cipolla, G.D., King, S.B. Circulation (1993)
- Topography of NPY-, somatostatin-, and VIP-immunoreactive, neuronal subpopulations in the guinea pig celiac-superior mesenteric ganglion and their projection to the pylorus. Lindh, B., Hökfelt, T., Elfvin, L.G., Terenius, L., Fahrenkrug, J., Elde, R., Goldstein, M. J. Neurosci. (1986)
- The effect of somatostatin 201-995 on the early course of porcine pancreaticoduodenal allotransplantation. Nicholson, C.P., Barr, D., Oeltjen, M.R., Munn, S.R., DiMagno, E.P., Carpenter, H.A., Sarr, M.G., Perkins, J.D. Transplantation (1991)
- Effect of octreotide, a somatostatin analogue, on release of inflammatory mediators from isolated guinea pig bladder. Bjorling, D.E., Saban, M.R., Saban, R. J. Urol. (1997)
- Glucagon-like peptide-1 secretion is influenced by perfusate glucose concentration and by a feedback mechanism involving somatostatin in isolated perfused porcine ileum. Hansen, L., Hartmann, B., Mineo, H., Holst, J.J. Regul. Pept. (2004)
- Tachykinins mediate vagal inhibition of gastrin secretion in pigs. Schmidt, P., Poulsen, S.S., Hilsted, L., Rasmussen, T.N., Holst, J.J. Gastroenterology (1996)
- Migration of the myoelectric complex after interruption of the myenteric plexus: intestinal transection and regeneration of enteric nerves in the guinea pig. Galligan, J.J., Furness, J.B., Costa, M. Gastroenterology (1989)
- Origins of peptide and norepinephrine nerves in the mucosa of the guinea pig small intestine. Keast, J.R., Furness, J.B., Costa, M. Gastroenterology (1984)
- Effect of total or partial uterus extirpation on sympathetic uterus-projecting neurons in porcine inferior mesenteric ganglion. B. Changes in expression of neuropeptide Y, galanin, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, pituitary adenylate-cyclase activating peptide, somatostatin and substance P. Wasowicz, K. Polish journal of veterinary sciences. (2003)
- Nitric oxide and octreotide in retinal ischemia-reperfusion injury. Celiker, U., Ilhan, N. Documenta ophthalmologica. Advances in ophthalmology. (2002)
- Interactions between inhibitory and excitatory modulatory signals in single submucosal neurons. Barajas-López, C. Am. J. Physiol. (1994)
- GABA mediation of the dual effects of somatostatin on guinea pig ileal myenteric cholinergic transmission. Roberts, D.J., Hasler, W.L., Owyang, C. Am. J. Physiol. (1993)
- Differential action of somatostatin on peptide-induced release of acetylcholine. Kowal, V., Wiley, J.W., Owyang, C. Am. J. Physiol. (1989)
- Electrophysiological effects of somatostatin at the supraventricular level of isolated guinea pig hearts. Barros, I.C., Masuda, M.O., Aprigliano, O.Q. Braz. J. Med. Biol. Res. (1992)
- Ontogeny of endocrine cells in porcine gut and pancreas. An immunocytochemical study. Alumets, J., Håkanson, R., Sundler, F. Gastroenterology (1983)
- Effects of motilin, somatostatin, and pancreatic polypeptide on the migrating myoelectric complex in pig and dog. Bueno, L., Fioramonti, J., Rayner, V., Ruckebusch, Y. Gastroenterology (1982)
- Somatostatin inhibits the release of acetylcholine induced electrically in the myenteric plexus. Guillemin, R. Endocrinology (1976)
- Somatostatin is an agonist and noncompetitive antagonist of gastrin in oxyntic cell function. Shapiro, B., Pienta, K., Heldsinger, A., Vinik, A.I. Endocrinology (1981)
- Substance P-like immunoreactivity in capsaicin-sensitive structures of the rat thymus. Geppetti, P., Maggi, C.A., Zecchi-Orlandini, S., Santicioli, P., Meli, A., Frilli, S., Spillantini, M.G., Amenta, F. Regul. Pept. (1987)
- Isolation and structure of pro-somatostatin: a putative somatostatin precursor from pig hypothalamus. Schally, A.V., Huang, W.Y., Chang, R.C., Arimura, A., Redding, T.W., Millar, R.P., Hunkapiller, M.W., Hood, L.E. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1980)
- Ultrastructural localization of four different neuropeptides within separate populations of p-type nerves in the guinea pig colon. Probert, L., De Mey, J., Polak, J.M. Gastroenterology (1983)
- Continuous subcutaneous angiopeptin treatment significantly reduces neointimal hyperplasia in a porcine coronary in-stent restenosis model. Hong, M.K., Kent, K.M., Mehran, R., Mintz, G.S., Tio, F.O., Foegh, M., Wong, S.C., Cathapermal, S.S., Leon, M.B. Circulation (1997)
- Purification of a membrane-bound metalloendopeptidase from porcine kidney that degrades peptide hormones. Mumford, R.A., Pierzchala, P.A., Strauss, A.W., Zimmerman, M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1981)
- Potassium conductance increased by noradrenaline, opioids, somatostatin, and G-proteins: whole-cell recording from guinea pig submucous neurons. Tatsumi, H., Costa, M., Schimerlik, M., North, R.A. J. Neurosci. (1990)
- Immediate-early gene expression in the inferior mesenteric ganglion and colonic myenteric plexus of the guinea pig. Sharkey, K.A., Parr, E.J., Keenan, C.M. J. Neurosci. (1999)
- Localization of pancreastatin immunoreactivity in porcine endocrine cells. Ravazzola, M., Efendic, S., Ostenson, C.G., Tatemoto, K., Hutton, J.C., Orci, L. Endocrinology (1988)
- Evidence for transformation of glucagon-like immunoreactivity of gut into pancreatic glucagon in vivo. Korányi, L., Péterfy, F., Szabó, J., Török, A., Guóth, M., Tamás, G. Diabetes (1981)
- Secretin and somatostatin as modulators of electrolyte transport in guinea pig gallbladder epithelium. Sprakties, G., Macherey, H.J., Petersen, K.U. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. (1993)
- The effects of duodenal peptides on glucagon-like peptide-1 secretion from the ileum. A duodeno--ileal loop? Hansen, L., Holst, J.J. Regul. Pept. (2002)
- Differential contribution of nitric oxide and cGMP to the stimulatory effects of growth hormone-releasing hormone and low-concentration somatostatin on growth hormone release from somatotrophs. Luque, R.M., Rodríguez-Pacheco, F., Tena-Sempere, M., Gracia-Navarro, F., Malagón, M.M., Castaño, J.P. J. Neuroendocrinol. (2005)
- Galanin inhibits somatostatin release by the rat islet cell tumor in culture, Rin-m. Amiranoff, B., Lorinet, A.M., Laburthe, M. Eur. J. Pharmacol. (1990)
- Developmental changes in the long form leptin receptor and related neuropeptide gene expression in the pig brain. Lin, J., Richard Barb, C., Kraeling, R.R., Rampacek, G.B. Biol. Reprod. (2001)
- Glutamic acid decarboxylase 65 and 67 isoforms in fetal, neonatal and adult porcine islets: predominant beta cell co-localization by light and confocal microscopy. Reddy, S., Wu, D., Poole, C.A. J. Autoimmun. (1996)
- Somatostatin increases growth hormone (GH) secretion in a subpopulation of porcine somatotropes: evidence for functional and morphological heterogeneity among porcine GH-producing cells. Castaño, J.P., Torronteras, R., Ramirez, J.L., Gribouval, A., Sanchez-Hormigo, A., Ruiz-Navarro, A., Gracia-Navarro, F. Endocrinology (1996)
- Somatostatin inhibition and reversal of parathyroid hormone-, calcium-, and acetylcholine-induced gastrin release in the pig. Bolman, R.M., Cooper, C.W., Wells, S.A. Endocrinology (1978)
- Regulation by vasoactive intestinal peptide, histamine, somatostatin-14 and -28 of cyclic adenosine monophosphate levels in gastric glands isolated from the guinea pig fundus or antrum. Gespach, C., Hui Bon Hoa, D., Rosselin, G. Endocrinology (1983)
- Intrathecal somatostatin in the guinea pig: effects on spinal cord blood flow, histopathology and motor function. Mollenholt, P., Post, C., Paulsson, I., Rawal, N. Pain (1992)
- Peptide immunoreactive nerves and cells of the guinea pig gall bladder and biliary pathways. Cai, W., Gu, J., Huang, W., McGregor, G.P., Ghatei, M.A., Bloom, S.R., Polak, J.M. Gut (1983)
- Differentiation of fetal pig endocrine cells after allografting into the thymus gland. Tuch, B.E., Wright, D.C., Martin, T.E., Keogh, G.W., Deol, H.S., Simpson, A.M., Roach, W., Pinto, A.N. Transplantation (1999)
- Homologous and heterologous regulation of pituitary receptors for ghrelin and growth hormone-releasing hormone. Luque, R.M., Kineman, R.D., Park, S., Peng, X.D., Gracia-Navarro, F., Castaño, J.P., Malagon, M.M. Endocrinology (2004)