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Gene Review

AIG1  -  androgen-induced 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: AIG-1, Androgen-induced gene 1 protein, CGI-103, FLJ10485, dJ95L4.1
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Disease relevance of AIG1


Psychiatry related information on AIG1

  • We conclude that androgen-induced changes in Na+ current inactivation are not mediated by PKA and suggest that PKA-mediated increases in Na+ current underlie increases in the amplitude of the electric organ discharge observed in social interactions or with changes in water conductance [6].

High impact information on AIG1


Chemical compound and disease context of AIG1


Biological context of AIG1

  • The IMAP/IAN family of AIG1-like GTPases is conserved among vertebrates and angiosperm plants and has been postulated to regulate apoptosis, particularly in context with diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and infections [17].
  • Vector-driven expression of antisense-AS3 blocked the induction of androgen-induced endogenous AS3 mRNA and blocked the inhibitory effect of androgens on cell proliferation [18].
  • Potential mediators of this androgen-induced proliferative shutoff were identified by means of subtracted cDNA libraries [18].
  • Conversely, downregulation of endogenous Daxx expression by RNA interference enhances androgen-induced prostate-specific antigen expression in LNCaP cells [19].
  • Moreover, androgen-induced IGF-IR up-regulation involves the activation of the Src-extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathway, because it was inhibited by both the Src inhibitor PP2 and the MEK-1 inhibitor PD98059 [20].

Anatomical context of AIG1


Associations of AIG1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of AIG1

  • Some AR LBD mutations do not affect ligand binding but they disrupt androgen-induced interaction of the N-terminal motif FXXLF and C-terminal activation function 2 (AF2) [30].

Regulatory relationships of AIG1


Other interactions of AIG1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of AIG1


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