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Gene Review

Hpse  -  heparanase

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: Endo-glucoronidase, Hep, Heparanase, Hpa
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Disease relevance of Hpse

  • BACKGROUND: The beta-d-endoglycosidase, heparanase, is emerging as an important contributor to the pathogenesis of proteinuria [1].
  • The purpose of the present study therefore was to examine the role of heparanase in a model of accelerated anti-glomerular basement disease (anti-GBM) [1].
  • A previously validated anti-heparanase antibody associated with proteinuria reduction, in a model of membranous nephropathy, was administered prior to disease induction to establish its impact on protein excretion in this model [1].
  • In both hepatomas, studies using the isoschizomeric pair of restriction enzymes Msp I and Hpa II have indicated hypermethylation of a cytosine residue within or proximal to the hp22 gene [2].
  • These tumor-elicited PMNs (tcPMNs) secrete high levels of the basement-membrane-degrading enzymes, type IV collagenase and heparanase, suggesting that metastatic tumor cells stimulate neutrophilia so that the tcPMNs might assist tumor cell extravasation during metastasis [3].

High impact information on Hpse

  • Two glucose transporter isoforms are expressed in fat cells: (1) the insulin-responsive species which is found only in fat and muscle, and (2) a species corresponding to the erythrocyte/Hep G2/rat brain transporter [4].
  • The effects of insulin and tolazamide on transporter gene expression were studied with probes derived from Hep G2 glucose transporter cDNA [5].
  • The ability of chemically modified heparins to inhibit these immune reactions was associated with their ability to inhibit expression of T lymphocyte heparanase [6].
  • In addition, these cells concomitantly lose expression of the hepatocyte protein Hep-par [7].
  • The extent of methylation of 18 sites in the PEPCK gene in adult liver, kidney, spleen, and heart muscle and in fetal liver has been analyzed using the 5-methylcytosine sensitive enzymes Hpa II and Hha I [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of Hpse


Biological context of Hpse

  • Activity binds to, and is affected by, molecules known to interact with FERM domains, supporting the hypothesis that the intracellular C1A heparanase is the purified FERM domain protein [14].
  • Analysis of EcoRI fragments of DNA from the tumor and control cells after digestion with Hpa II or Msp I endonuclease indicated that the 5'-C-C-G-G-3' sequences in most of the amplified rRNA genes were methylated [15].
  • The P3 promoter was able to drive the expression of a luciferase reporter gene in cell lines Hep G2, PLC/PRF/5, and BHK-21 [16].
  • A cDNA library from the human hepatoma cell line Hep G2 was prepared in the expression vector lambda gt11 [17].
  • The methylation of one single Hpa II site, located in the promoter region, showed particularly strong correlation with the transcriptional activity [18].

Anatomical context of Hpse


Associations of Hpse with chemical compounds

  • Further elucidation of the roles of heparanase in normal physiological processes would provide an important tool for analyzing the regulation of heparan sulfate-dependent cell functions [19].
  • We show here that fat cells isolated from streptozotocin diabetic rats and from fasted rats show a significant (60-80%) decrease in the amount of immunologically detectable insulin-sensitive glucose transporter and no change in the level of the Hep G2/rat brain transporter [4].
  • Accumulation of N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide copolymers by Hep G2 was shown to be an active process, being inhibited by low temperature and by the metabolic inhibitor 2,4-dinitrophenol [21].
  • Employing pCPS2.1, a minigene containing the promoter and part of exon 1, we show that nuclear extracts from Hep G2 support accurate carbamyl-phosphate synthetase I gene transcription in vitro [22].
  • A 640-base pair insert spanning +31 to -609 directs expression of the reporter gene chloramphenicol acetyltransferase in an orientation-specific manner in transfected Hep G2 cells [23].

Other interactions of Hpse


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Hpse


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