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Diet, Vegetarian

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Disease relevance of Diet, Vegetarian


Psychiatry related information on Diet, Vegetarian


High impact information on Diet, Vegetarian


Chemical compound and disease context of Diet, Vegetarian


Biological context of Diet, Vegetarian


Anatomical context of Diet, Vegetarian


Associations of Diet, Vegetarian with chemical compounds

  • Data indicated that a vegetarian diet modified androgen and estrogen metabolism in North American men and that a Western diet was associated with higher levels of urinary steroid hormones in young Black South African men [1].
  • The total androgen content decreased significantly in Black North American men on the vegetarian diet and increased in Black South African men fed a Western diet [1].
  • Normal subjects ingesting a protein diet had a significantly higher creatinine clearance than a comparable group of normal subjects ingesting a vegetarian diet [24].
  • Whereas phytates, polyphenolics, and other plant constituents found in vegetarian diets inhibit nonheme-iron absorption, vitamin C, citric acid, and other organic acids facilitate nonheme-iron absorption [25].
  • Reduced arachidonate in serum phospholipids and cholesteryl esters associated with vegetarian diets in humans [26].

Gene context of Diet, Vegetarian

  • One dozen eggs were collected and analyzed from each of five different brands from hens fed a diet free of animal fat (SP1), certified organic free-range brown eggs (SP2), uncaged unmedicated brown eggs (SP3), cage-free vegetarian diet brown eggs (SP4), or naturally nested uncaged (SP5) [27].
  • In fact, recent epidemiology demonstrates a correlation between dietary glycemic load and serum CRP in women, and a recent clinical study reports a 28% reduction in serum CRP following adoption of a whole-food vegan diet rich in soluble fiber [28].
  • Thus this study implies that the relatively low BMI of vegetarians and vegans does cause small changes in SHBG and in post-menopausal oestradiol, but that the composition of vegetarian diets may not have any additional effects on these hormones [29].
  • CONCLUSION: According to the present study, the clearly different dietary patterns and nutrient intakes between the vegans and the omnivores resulted in similar extent and rate of 7-hydroxycoumarin formation, indicating only a minor effect on coumarin hydroxylase (CYP2A6) activity by the plant substances in the uncooked vegan diet [30].
  • Since whole-food vegan diets may downregulate systemic IGF-I activity, it is proposed that such a diet, in conjunction with fish oil supplementation and treatment with dopamine agonists capable of suppressing prolactin secretion, may have utility for treating and preventing autoimmune disorders [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Diet, Vegetarian

  • The second study was conducted in seven subjects, who consumed a low fat diet for 2 wk: the 1st wk was a vegetarian diet (no LCP) followed by a 2nd wk where the subjects were required to consume 500 g (raw weight) of kangaroo meat daily (305 mg/d AA, 325 mg/d n-3 LCP) [32].
  • AIM OF THE STUDY: The effect of a vegetarian diet and different omnivorous diets on the risk of uric acid crystallization was investigated [33].
  • After adjustment for age, body mass index, current smoking, supplement use and vegetarianism the mean plasma vitamin C levels were 38.8 (SE 1.6) mumol/l in white men, 36.5 (1.6) mumol/l in men of African descent and 32.9 (1.5) mumol/l in South Asian men (P = 0.033 by analysis of co-variance) [34].
  • In this study, 20 steroid-resistant, nephrotic patients were treated with a pure vegetarian, low-protein diet, supplemented with essential amino acids and ketoanalogues (supplemented vegan diet, SVD) for 4.6 +/- 3.1 months [35].
  • To clarify the role of the faecal flora in the diet-induced decrease of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) activity, 43 RA patients were randomized into two groups: the test group to receive living food, a form of uncooked vegan diet rich in lactobacilli, and the control group to continue their ordinary omnivorous diets [36].


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