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Gene Review

EDNRA  -  endothelin receptor type A

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: ET-A, ETA, ETA-R, ETAR, ETRA, ...
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Disease relevance of EDNRA


Psychiatry related information on EDNRA


High impact information on EDNRA


Chemical compound and disease context of EDNRA


Biological context of EDNRA


Anatomical context of EDNRA


Associations of EDNRA with chemical compounds

  • The ETA/ETB receptor antagonist bosentan caused a parallel shift of the concentration-contraction curve to the right at all concentrations of endothelin [16].
  • Replacement of His-150, the residue in hETB that is analogous in sequence to Tyr-129 of hETA, by either tyrosine or alanine does not affect the affinity of peptide ligands [20].
  • The endothelin (ET) family of peptides acts via two subtypes of guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein (G protein)-coupled receptors termed ETA and ETB [21].
  • In one study, six subjects received placebo, the ETA receptor antagonist BQ-123 alone, and BQ-123 in combination with the ETB receptor antagonist BQ-788 after pretreatment with the ACE inhibitor enalapril (E) or placebo [22].
  • Endothelin A receptor antagonism and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition are synergistic via an endothelin B receptor-mediated and nitric oxide-dependent mechanism [22].

Physical interactions of EDNRA

  • Furthermore, the ETA-selective antagonist BQ123 competed for the binding of these ETB-selective radioligands to this chimeric receptor, with Ki values similar to those determined by using wild-type ETA receptor and 125I-ET-1 [23].
  • Ligand binding studies of the cloned receptors expressed in COS cells confirmed that they were pharmacologically ETAR and ETBR subtypes; although the selective antagonist BQ123 showed a potency similar to ET-3 in displacing 125I-ET-1 binding to ETAR [24].
  • In contrast, the ETAR bound to caveolin-1 regardless of ligand binding [25].

Enzymatic interactions of EDNRA


Regulatory relationships of EDNRA

  • We also demonstrated that each receptor subtype expressed on the same cell could work independently, i.e. for hETA to activate G alpha s and for hETB to activate G alpha i, resulting in dose-dependent dual effects of ET-1 on cAMP formation [21].
  • Most of the potentiating effects (88%) were blocked by the ETA receptor antagonist LU135252 and slightly further blocked by the ETA/B receptor antagonist bosentan (P<0.05) [27].
  • The effect of the selective ETA receptor antagonist FR 139317 indicates that the contraction induced by ET-1 and ET-2 in both arteries and veins is mediated by ETA receptors [28].
  • We conclude that both the ETA-R and ETB-R can be regulated indistinguishably by GRK-initiated desensitization [29].
  • Abnormal expression of NFkappaB, TNFalpha, iNOS and enhanced VF are linked with the activated ET pathway and a significant reversion could be achieved by the selective endothelin A receptor antagonist darusentan [30].

Other interactions of EDNRA

  • Therefore, ET-1/ETA/ETB autocrine/paracrine loops on DCs appear to be essential for the normal maturation and function of human DCs, presenting a unique target for immunomodulatory therapies [17].
  • The family of endothelins (ET) consists of four closely related peptides, ET-1, ET-2, ET-3 and ET-4, which cause vasoconstriction, cell proliferation and myocardial effects through activation of ETA receptors [19].
  • These results suggest that endothelin-3 might have a direct role in endothelial cell proliferation as a response to injury which is not mediated by either of the currently defined ETA and ETB receptors [31].
  • The variants were: for EDNRA, a G-->A in the 5'-UTR and C-->T in exon 8; for WNK4, a tetranucleotide repeat in intron 10; and for FKBP1B, a T-->C in exon 4 [2].
  • Finally, we demonstrate that ETAR-mediated activation of PGE2-dependent signaling participates in the regulation of the invasive behavior of ovarian carcinoma cells by activating tumor-associated matrix metalloproteinase [4].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of EDNRA


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  18. Endothelin-1 promotes myofibroblast induction through the ETA receptor via a rac/phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt-dependent pathway and is essential for the enhanced contractile phenotype of fibrotic fibroblasts. Shi-Wen, X., Chen, Y., Denton, C.P., Eastwood, M., Renzoni, E.A., Bou-Gharios, G., Pearson, J.D., Dashwood, M., du Bois, R.M., Black, C.M., Leask, A., Abraham, D.J. Mol. Biol. Cell (2004) [Pubmed]
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