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Chat  -  choline acetyltransferase

Rattus norvegicus

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Disease relevance of Chat

  • The application of this factor, ChAT development factor or CDF, to developing chick embryos during the period of naturally occurring motoneuron cell death significantly increased the survival of motoneurons but did not affect the survival of dorsal root ganglion neurons or sympathetic preganglionic neurons (column of Terni) [1].
  • NGF also produced hypertrophy of ChAT mRNA-positive neurons [2].
  • Prior to the onset of encephalitis alterations of one of the major cortical neurotransmitters, acetylcholine, were monitored immunohistochemically by light and electron microscopy of its synthesizing enzyme choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) [3].
  • SN/BF cultures of various ages were labeled with a retrovirus engineered to express beta-galactosidase (Lac-Z), and ChAT-positive descendants of the retrovirally labeled precursors were counted [4].
  • Influence of excitatory amino acids and ischemia on rat retinal choline acetyltransferase-containing cells [5].

Psychiatry related information on Chat


High impact information on Chat


Chemical compound and disease context of Chat


Biological context of Chat

  • The crystal structure of ChAT reported here shows the enzyme divided into two domains with the active site in a solvent accessible tunnel at the domain interface [20].
  • The structure indicates how ChAT is regulated by phosphorylation and reveals an unusual pattern of basic surface patches that may mediate membrane association or macromolecular interactions [20].
  • In the rat, alternative splicing generates common ChAT and peripheral ChAT (pChAT) [21].
  • Rescue of motoneurons from cell death by a purified skeletal muscle polypeptide: effects of the ChAT development factor, CDF [1].
  • IFN gamma does not cause a change in the affinity of ChAT for choline, nor does it affect cell proliferation [22].

Anatomical context of Chat


Associations of Chat with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Chat


Co-localisations of Chat


Regulatory relationships of Chat


Other interactions of Chat


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Chat


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