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Gene Review

CHEK1  -  checkpoint kinase 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CHK1, CHK1 checkpoint homolog, Cell cycle checkpoint kinase, Checkpoint kinase-1, Serine/threonine-protein kinase Chk1
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Disease relevance of CHEK1

  • UCN-01 (7-hydroxystaurosporine), a CHEK1 inhibitor that abrogates the G(2) block, has been reported to enhance radiation toxicity in human lymphoma and colon cancer cell lines [1].
  • Chk1 expression was markedly reduced in primary fibroblasts and U2OS osteogenic sarcoma cells by treatment with small molecule Cdk inhibitors or induction of a dominant-negative mutant of Cdk2 [2].
  • Furthermore, these results suggest that the inhibition of the ATR-CHK1 DNA damage-response pathway might be involved in the tumorigenesis of gastric cancer with microsatellite instability [3].
  • To our knowledge, this is the first CHK1/CHK2 mutation screening in human melanoma [4].
  • Moreover, selective targeting of plk1 or chk1 in tumor xenografts of mice by oncolytic adenovirus mutants demonstrated potent anti-tumoral efficacy in the presence of low dose cisplatin [5].
  • Further research is warranted to validate the use of Chk1 inhibitors in triple-negative breast carcinomas for which treatment strategies are limited at present [6].

High impact information on CHEK1

  • Here we show that BRCA1 is essential for activating the Chk1 kinase that regulates DNA damage-induced G2/M arrest [7].
  • In addition, cells lacking MDC1 also fail to activate the intra-S phase and G2/M phase cell-cycle checkpoints properly after exposure to ionizing radiation, which was associated with an inability to regulate Chk1 properly [8].
  • Fission yeast cdc2-3w Deltacdc25 cells, which express activated Cdc2 and lack Cdc25, were responsive to Wee1 but insensitive to Chk1 and irradiation [9].
  • Chk1, a fission yeast kinase involved in the DNA damage checkpoint response, phosphorylated Cdc25C in vitro on serine-216 [10].
  • Cdc25 associated with Chk1 in vivo and was phosphorylated when copurified in Chk1 complexes [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of CHEK1


Biological context of CHEK1


Anatomical context of CHEK1


Associations of CHEK1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of CHEK1

  • Additionally, microcephalin interacts with Chk1 [29].
  • Dbf4 interacted weakly with Chk1 in vivo but was recognized as a substrate for Chk1-dependent phosphorylation in vitro [30].
  • In this study, we show that Chk1 interacts with Hsp90, a molecular chaperone that participates in the folding, assembly, maturation, and stabilization of specific proteins known as clients [31].
  • Several E2F binding sites were detected in the genomic sequence and E2F1 induced Chk1 promoter activity in co-transfection experiments [32].
  • Direct requirement for Xmus101 in ATR-mediated phosphorylation of Claspin bound Chk1 during checkpoint signaling [33].

Enzymatic interactions of CHEK1

  • Additional inducible amino- and carboxy-terminal sites in p53 are also phosphorylated by hCHK1, indicating that this is an unusually versatile protein kinase [34].
  • Consistently, the RNAi-mediated ablation of Claspin selectively abrogated ATR's ability to phosphorylate Chk1 but not other ATR targets [19].
  • The basic mechanism of this assay is to observe the phosphorylated levels of a fragment of CDC25C containing the site that can be phosphorylated by CHK1 in vitro [35].
  • Chk1 phosphorylates Tlk1 on serine 695 (S695) in vitro, and this UCN-01- and caffeine-sensitive site is phosphorylated in vivo in response to DNA damage [36].
  • We have shown recently that DNA damage effector kinase Chk1 is phosphorylated in vitro by protein kinase B/Akt (PKB/Akt) on serine 280 [37].

Regulatory relationships of CHEK1

  • RNA interference (RNAi) of MCPH1 have implicated the protein it encodes as a DNA-damage response protein that regulates the transcription of Chk1 and BRCA1, two genes involved in the response to DNA damage [29].
  • Moreover, overexpression of kinase-inactive ATR in U2OS cells severely attenuated UVC-induced Chk1 phosphorylation and reversed the UVC-induced inhibition of replicon initiation, as did overexpression of kinase-inactive Chk1 [20].
  • In this study we found that in ovarian cancer cells, CHK2 kinase is activated by irofulven while CHK1 kinase is not activated even when treated at higher concentrations of the drug [38].
  • Using small interfering RNA technology, we have shown that down-regulation of Claspin expression inhibits Chk1 activation in response to replication stress [39].
  • Finally, we found that CHK1 was upregulated in primary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), albeit as an inactive form [40].

Other interactions of CHEK1

  • We confirmed that recombinant hCHK1, but not a kinase-defective version of hCHK1, can phosphorylate p53 in vitro at S20 [34].
  • Thus, a primary function of PPM1D may be to reverse the p53 and Chk1-induced DNA damage and cell cycle checkpoint responses and return the cell to a homeostatic state following completion of DNA repair [17].
  • Phosphorylations of hCds1 or Chk1 and inhibition of Cdk1 kinase activity, which are elements of checkpoints associated with DNA damage or replication, did not occur during ICRF-193-induced mitotic delay [41].
  • Time course experiments showed that the bulk of ATM activation followed Chk1 down-regulation [2].
  • Mcph1 inhibition also decreases both endogenous and heterologous Chk1 transcripts and protein [42].
  • These results suggest that Chk1 is activated by caspase-mediated cleavage during apoptosis and might be implicated in enhancing apoptotic reactions rather than attenuating the ATR-Chk1 pathway [43].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CHEK1


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