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Gene Review

Im1  -  Immunoregulatory 1

Mus musculus

Synonyms: Im, Lch8-60
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Disease relevance of Im1


Psychiatry related information on Im1

  • These data demonstrate that appropriate idiotypic exposure induces B and T cell responsiveness to the Ag recognized by the Id and support the hypothesis that neonatal idiotypic exposure can be an important immunoregulatory factor in schistosomiasis [6].
  • IL 1 is a major immunoregulatory molecule produced by macrophages, and it appears to be the molecular orchestrator of nonspecific host defense mechanisms against a variety of environmental insults [7].

High impact information on Im1


Chemical compound and disease context of Im1


Biological context of Im1

  • In a second backcross toward L line, the H line alleles of the putative Im genes on chromosomes 6, 8, and 12 were isolated from each other and their effects were still detected [18].
  • Previous examination of the antibodies produced by B-cell hybridomas derived from transgenic M54 mice showed that the presence of the mu transgene grossly altered the immunoglobulin repertoire of unimmunized animals, suggesting that these mice suffer from a serious immunoregulatory perturbation [19].
  • An immunoregulatory molecular complex with five active sites [20].
  • Combined with the insights provided by molecular genetic approaches and flow cytometry, functional and responsive lymphoid tumor cells are being used with increasing frequency to address basic immunoregulatory issues [21].
  • ILLs are believed to have immunoregulatory functions, but their roles in autoimmunity and defense against infections remain elusive [22].

Anatomical context of Im1


Associations of Im1 with chemical compounds

  • Vitamin A and retinoids are also known as potent immunoregulatory and antineoplastic agents [28].
  • Herein, we describe spontaneous tumor development in gene-targeted mice lacking interferon (IFN)-gamma and/or perforin (pfp), or the immunoregulatory cytokines, interleukin (IL)-12, IL-18, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) [29].
  • Cellular and genetic restrictions in the immunoregulatory activity of alpha-fetoprotein. I. Selective inhibition of anti-Ia-associated proliferative reactions [30].
  • Epithelial-associated FcRn, through its ability to secrete and absorb IgG, may thus integrate luminal antigen encounters with systemic immune compartments and as such provide essential host defense and immunoregulatory functions at the mucosal surfaces [31].
  • Resistance is not a function of either low-dose irradiation- or cyclophosphamide (20 mg/kg)-sensitive immunoregulatory cells, but can be adoptively transferred by primed splenocytes [32].

Physical interactions of Im1


Regulatory relationships of Im1


Other interactions of Im1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Im1


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