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pre  -  recombination protein

Staphylococcus aureus

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Disease relevance of pre


Psychiatry related information on pre

  • The epidemiologic landscape of causative pathogens and clinical characteristics of bacterial meningitis varies with several clinical factors including preceding/pre-existent medical and/or surgical conditions, modes of contraction, geographic distributions, status of vaccinations, the study time periods and differences among age groups [6].

High impact information on pre


Chemical compound and disease context of pre


Biological context of pre

  • The institution of more stringent infection control measures was followed by the return of nosocomial MRSA acquisition rates to pre-outbreak levels [17].
  • Observations made predominantly in the pre-antibiotic era suggested that infections with less virulent organisms, by virtue of their indolent subacute course, favored an antibody response predisposing to immune complex glomerulonephritis [18].
  • Because only 50% of the active sites participated in this pre-steady-state reaction, the maximum steady-state rate consistent with the involvement of this cystine in the enzymatic reaction would be 4 s(-1) [19].
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate whether pre-exposure of bacteria to a subinhibitory concentration (sub-MIC) of loracarbef (LY 163892) or daptomycin (LY 146032) could modify bacterial susceptibility to serum bactericidal activity and to phagocytosis and killing by murine peritoneal macrophages and by human polymorphonuclear leucocytes [20].
  • Chloramphenicol (CM) at 100 micrograms/ml did not completely inhibit complex formation or DNA replication, indicating that pre-existing host proteins were involved in these processes [21].

Anatomical context of pre

  • A break in the natural barrier to infection was also present in the majority of cases, for example, trauma, wound, or pre-existing decubitus ulcer in skin and soft tissue infections; endotracheal tube in pneumonia; and a catheter bypassing urethra or skin in urinary and vascular infections, respectively [22].
  • The objective of this study was to examine the production of antibacterial factor(s) by uterine epithelial cells from pre- and postmenopausal women [23].
  • However, if the Ca(2+)-ATPase were pre-digested with calpain I from human erythrocytes, which removed its calmodulin-binding domain (along with domain B), multiple cleavages by V8 protease in domain A were then readily observed [24].
  • The fluorosphingomyelins can be used to estimate with great sensitivity the sphingomyelinase activity in extracts of tissues or cells, in tears, and probably in hair follicles, as well as diagnose Niemann-Pick disease, either pre- or post-natally[25]
  • Optimizations performed using concanavalin A and E. coli JM105 show that immobilization methods involving pre-activated membranes significantly reduce the time required to create a functional lectin layer on the membrane surface [26].

Associations of pre with chemical compounds


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of pre


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