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Gene Review

ACTN4  -  actinin, alpha 4

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: ACTININ-4, Alpha-actinin-4, FSGS, FSGS1, Non-muscle alpha-actinin 4
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Disease relevance of ACTN4


High impact information on ACTN4

  • Here we present evidence implicating mutations in the gene encoding alpha-actinin-4 (ACTN4; ref. 2), an actin-filament crosslinking protein, as the cause of disease in three families with an autosomal dominant form of FSGS [7].
  • When injected into the mesocecum of severe combined immunodeficient mice, DLD1 Tet-off ACTN4 cells, but not the control cells, metastasized into regional mesenteric lymph nodes, resembling the behavior of clinical cancers [8].
  • Upon the induction of actinin-4, DLD1 Tet-off ACTN-4 cells spread filopodia and significantly increased their motility ( P = .00027); actinin-4 protein was concentrated at the leading edges of these actin-rich podia [8].
  • A colorectal cancer cell clone capable of inducing actinin-4 using the tetracycline-regulatory system (designated DLD1 Tet-off ACTN-4) was established [8].
  • Thus, ACTN4 is a critical regulator of AKT1 localization and function [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of ACTN4


Biological context of ACTN4


Anatomical context of ACTN4


Associations of ACTN4 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of ACTN4

  • Here we report the identification of the alpha-subunit of Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) and alpha-actinin-4 as potential binding partners for the densin-180 intracellular segment [26].
  • Screening of a human placenta cDNA library identified--in addition to the C-terminal region of cytokeratin 18 (CK18(182-430))--a large C-terminal fragment of alpha-actinin-4 (Act-4) as a binding partner for PAI-1 [27].

Co-localisations of ACTN4


Regulatory relationships of ACTN4

  • Attempts to demonstrate a role for NF-Y/ACTN4 in regulating CYP1A1 expression were unsuccessful, likely due to an inability to significantly change nuclear ACTN4 levels with phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase agonists and antagonists [20].

Other interactions of ACTN4

  • No ACTN4 or WT1 mutations were detected [19].
  • CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we exhaustively analyzed the NPHS2 and the exon 8 of the ACTN4 genes in a series of sporadic 'adult-onset' FSGS patients [29].
  • There are also 3 genetic loci connected with autosomal dominant forms of FSGS: ACTN4, TRPC6 and CD2AP (found only in the mice models) [30].
  • In addition, this Ca(2+)-dependent inhibition requires Ca(2+)-dependent association between alpha-actinin-4 and E3KARP [22].
  • Non-muscle alpha-actinin-4 interacts with plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ACTN4


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