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Child, Hospitalized

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Disease relevance of Child, Hospitalized


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Chemical compound and disease context of Child, Hospitalized


Biological context of Child, Hospitalized


Anatomical context of Child, Hospitalized


Associations of Child, Hospitalized with chemical compounds


Gene context of Child, Hospitalized

  • The IL-4 590T allele was found more frequently among children hospitalized with RSV than expected in the case-control (odds ratio [OR], 1.43; P=.04) and combination (OR, 1.41; P=.02) tests [30].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Children hospitalized for RSV infection in infancy still differ in IFN-gamma and sICAM-1 production 6-10 years after the infection [31].
  • METHODS: Sera from children hospitalized in Norfolk, VA, for noninfectious conditions were collected for a 1-month period every 6 months from 1993 to 1996 and tested by enzyme immunoassay for antibody to HAstV-1 and HAstV-3 with the use of baculovirus-expressed recombinant capsid proteins as antigens [32].
  • CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that when the appendix can be visualized, CTRC can accurately identify a normal appendix and reduce the number of children hospitalized for observation for possible appendicitis [33].
  • Measles-associated diarrhea in hospitalized children in Lima, Peru: pathogenic agents and impact on growth [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Child, Hospitalized


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