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Gene Review

TNFSF14  -  tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CD258, HVEM-L, HVEML, Herpes virus entry mediator ligand, Herpesvirus entry mediator ligand, ...
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Disease relevance of TNFSF14


Psychiatry related information on TNFSF14

  • CONCLUSIONS: Light-to-moderate alcohol consumption reduced the overall risk of stroke and the risk of ischemic stroke in men [6].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Light-responsive seasonal affective disorder is distinguished by a dominant atypical symptom profile closely associated with depressed mood [7].
  • Four treatments during a 45.5 h sleep deprivation period were compared: Dim Light-Placebo, Dim Light-Caffeine, Bright Light-Placebo and Bright-Light Caffeine [8].
  • During each 10-sec epoch of Active Sleep a rating was made of the infant's rapid eye movements, as follows: No REM, Light REMs, Moderate REMs, or intense REMs (REM Storms) [9].
  • OBJECTIVE: To evaluate systematically the effectiveness of six advertising strategies (two message strategies presented in three different contexts) designed to promote smoking cessation by addressing smokers' misperceptions about Light cigarettes [10].

High impact information on TNFSF14

  • Consistently, enhancing LTbetaR signaling by transgenic expression of TNFSF14 in the islets of NOD mice rapidly promoted de novo formation of local TLO, resulting in diabetes, even in the absence of draining lymph nodes (LN) [11].
  • LIGHT, a newly discovered TNF superfamily member (TNFSF14), is expressed on activated T cells and immature dendritic cells [12].
  • Colon epithelium. I. Light microscopic, histochemical, and ultrastructural features of normal colon epithelium of male Fischer 344 rats [13].
  • Results: Light microscopy demonstrated pale pink, oval to crescentic intracytoplasmic inclusions with a predilection for periportal hepatocytes but sometimes present throughout the lobules [14].
  • BACKGROUND & AIMS: Light dosimetry analysis to achieve predictable tumor necrosis has not been performed for photodynamic therapy (PDT) in the gastrointestinal tract [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of TNFSF14


Biological context of TNFSF14


Anatomical context of TNFSF14


Associations of TNFSF14 with chemical compounds

  • The effects of monensin on transport of membrane components in the frog retinal photoreceptor. I. Light microscopic autoradiography and biochemical analysis [29].
  • The Exchange Factor and Diacylglycerol Receptor RasGRP3 Interacts with Dynein Light Chain 1 through Its C-terminal Domain [30].
  • This synergy arises because Ras-GTP translocates Raf-1 to the plasma membrane where it becomes phosphorylated on tyrosine residues 340 and 341 by membrane-bound tyrosine kinases (Marais, R., Light, Y., Paterson, H. F., and Marshall, C. J. (1995) EMBO J. 14, 3136-3145) [31].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Light treatment showed earlier response onset and lower rate of some adverse events relative to fluoxetine, but there were no other significant differences in outcome between light therapy and antidepressant medication [16].
  • PAS Domain Allostery and Light-induced Conformational Changes in Photoactive Yellow Protein upon I(2) Intermediate Formation, Probed with Enhanced Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry [32].

Regulatory relationships of TNFSF14


Other interactions of TNFSF14

  • Molecular cloning and characterization of a mouse homolog of human TNFSF14, a member of the TNF superfamily [21].
  • Sustained expression of lymphotoxin-like inducible protein that competes with glycoprotein D for binding herpesvirus entry mediator on T cells (LIGHT) (TNFSF14) causes a pathological intestinal inflammation when constitutively expressed by mouse T cells [34].
  • Activation of the Fanconi Anemia/BRCA Pathway and Recombination Repair in the Cellular Response to Solar Ultraviolet Light [35].
  • CONCLUSION: Light-to-moderate alcohol intake is associated with a lower prevalence of vascular brain findings and, in APOE epsilon4 carriers, hippocampal and amygdalar atrophy on MRI [36].
  • NAT2*5A, NAT2*6A, NAT2*7A/B, and NAT2*14A were detected by use of LightCycler-NAT2 mutation detection kit by real-time polymerase chain reaction with Light Cycler instruments [37].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of TNFSF14


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  2. Constitutive expression and costimulatory function of LIGHT/TNFSF14 on human melanoma cells and melanoma-derived microvesicles. Mortarini, R., Scarito, A., Nonaka, D., Zanon, M., Bersani, I., Montaldi, E., Pennacchioli, E., Patuzzo, R., Santinami, M., Anichini, A. Cancer Res. (2005) [Pubmed]
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  12. The regulation of T cell homeostasis and autoimmunity by T cell-derived LIGHT. Wang, J., Lo, J.C., Foster, A., Yu, P., Chen, H.M., Wang, Y., Tamada, K., Chen, L., Fu, Y.X. J. Clin. Invest. (2001) [Pubmed]
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