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Students, Medical

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Disease relevance of Students, Medical


Psychiatry related information on Students, Medical

  • To examine correlates of individual differences in the degree of right hemispheric dominance in the perception of facial emotion, 51 medical students completed the Levy Chimeric Faces Test and an independent measure of differentiation and complexity in the processing of emotional information, the Levels of Emotional Awareness Scales [6].
  • Beginning in 1985, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine developed a model curriculum on alcohol abuse to enhance the education of medical students in issues related to the abuse of alcohol and other drugs [7].
  • Palmore's Facts on Aging Quizzes I and II and Facts on Aging Mental Health Quiz were administered as a single test to third-year medical students before and after their 6-week Community Health and Family Medicine clerkship [8].
  • To accomplish this, the authors asked medical students who preregistered for a conference on patient compliance to adopt the role of "patient" and to take "medication" (Vitamin C) for one week, to observe certain dietary restrictions, and to complete an attitude and health beliefs questionnaire [9].
  • The experience of the University of Miami's Department of Family Medicine in teaching human sexuality to medical students, residents, and faculty of the medical center is cited to help other residency programs include sex counseling and sex education in the armamentarium of residents [10].

High impact information on Students, Medical


Chemical compound and disease context of Students, Medical


Biological context of Students, Medical

  • The effect of stress, in the form of prolonged isometric exercise, on the circulation and on the renal excretion of sodium and potassium was studied in 16 male medical students whose parental blood pressure (BP) was less than 140/85 mm Hg, and in 17 male students with one or two parents who had BPs greater than 150/95 mm Hg [21].
  • The cases were also then classified using the DSS on 2 occasions by the 4 pathologists and by 2 medical students with no experience in cervical histology [22].
  • METHODS: Seventeen third-year medical students at Emory University School of Medicine, rotating on an 8-week obstetrics and gynecology clerkship, and 8 third-year law students from the Georgia State University College of Law attended four 1-hour ethics sessions conducted by an obstetrician and gynecologist, a law professor and an ethics fellow [23].
  • METHODS: The OSCE is used to evaluate medical students' performances in the obstetrics and gynecology basic clerkship at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. It is based on a series of standardized patient interviews conducted by medical students and incorporates ratings by standardized patients on each student's interpersonal skills [24].
  • Neuroscience education of undergraduate medical students. Part II: outcome improvement [25].

Anatomical context of Students, Medical


Associations of Students, Medical with chemical compounds


Gene context of Students, Medical

  • The influence of gender on serum concentrations of growth hormone (GH) and 12 other endocrine analytes was investigated in sera drawn from 291 healthy medical students in the ambulatory state in the morning, after fasting overnight [33].
  • Medical students were significantly more likely to test a 7-year-old for CF carrier status (57%), than they were for a BRCA1 mutation (47%), and an HD mutation (40%) [34].
  • The effect of exam stress on regulatory cytokines in 16 healthy medical students was assessed by measuring type-1 (IFN-gamma) and type-2 (IL-10) cytokines from 72-h PHA/PMA-stimulated PBMC 4 weeks before and 48 h after exams [35].
  • Moreover, despite regularly sharing resident physicians, interns and medical students, MRSA isolates were commonly recovered at the other university-affiliated hospitals [36].
  • An ACLS laboratory rotation for undergraduate medical students [37].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Students, Medical


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