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Schools, Medical

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Disease relevance of Schools, Medical

  • Among 63 hospitals regularly reporting infections from 1974 to 1981 in the National Nosocomial Infections Study, the increase in methicillin-resistant S. aureus infections was entirely due to substantial increases in only four hospitals, all of which were large, tertiary referral centers affiliated with medical schools [1].
  • Maternal plasma viral RNA levels determine marked differences in mother-to-child transmission rates of HIV-1 and HIV-2 in The Gambia. MRC/Gambia Government/University College London Medical School working group on mother-child transmission of HIV [2].
  • BACKGROUND: Cancer patients of the Department of Internal Medicine (Cancer Research) of the Essen University Medical School (Tumor Clinics), Germany, were examined and questioned with the aim of identifying those who run a high risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) [3].
  • 182 patients treated with cisplatin-based chemotherapy for testicular cancer at Hannover University Medical School who were in complete remission (CR) for more than 1 year after therapy were randomly selected for the evaluation of late vascular toxicity [4].
  • Another induction regimen is currently being evaluated by the University Medical School of Essen and Institut Gustave Roussy in Villejuif, France. In this trial, paclitaxel/cisplatin is delivered before etoposide/cisplatin and concurrent radiotherapy followed by surgery in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer [5].

Psychiatry related information on Schools, Medical

  • Frequent use of cocaine (greater than 10 times) during medical school, reported by 5% of the students, was directly related to excessive alcohol intake, tobacco dependence, frequent use of marijuana before and during medical school, and medical and behavioral problems related to alcohol and other drug use [6].
  • All cases were diagnosed at medical school diagnostic clinics, the diagnostic categories being ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, behavioral disorder, cognitive disorder, developmental delay, emotional disorder, learning disability, and speech/language disorder [7].
  • Methods Five residents in dermatology (University of Florence Medical School) were submitted to a teaching programme in dermoscopy based on both formal lessons and training and self-assessment using a newly developed, interactive CD-ROM on dermoscopy [8].
  • The author discusses major issues of faculty promotion in medical schools by describing the decision-making processes of the Professorial Promotion Committee (PPC) at The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, a committee he chaired for several years [9].
  • The Alzheimer Disease Research Center at Washington University's medical school has gathered a large sample of subjects with senile dementia of the Alzheimer type (SDAT) who are free of other potentially complicating medical, neurologic and psychiatric disorders [10].

High impact information on Schools, Medical

  • Dr. Rosenthal, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, reflects on the progress in cancer management made in the 20th century and predicts a continuing rapid evolution for the 21st century [11].
  • The MSKP examination: are the first two years of medical school necessary [12]?
  • To enter the mainstream of American medicine, United States students who enroll in foreign medical schools must either transfer to a United States medical school (usually after passing Part I of the NMBE examination) or complete their studies abroad and then pass FLEX and usually ECFMG examinations [13].
  • CONCLUSIONS: A majority of US medical school graduates are not adequately trained to treat nicotine dependence [14].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Criteria other than undergraduate grade point average and Medical College Admission Test scores can be used in predicting success in medical school [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of Schools, Medical

  • SETTING: University Medical School. PATIENTS: Eight postmenopausal women received oral conjugated estrogens at a daily dose of 0.625 mg for 4 weeks immediately before vaginal surgery for prolapse [16].
  • The International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, in cooperation with the European Region of WHO, has circulated the Deans of all European medical schools with a summary of the deficiencies revealed by the European component of the survey, together with a questionnaire on proposed action [17].
  • The authors review a core of 25 articles (dating from 1982 through 1991) regarding medical school curricula and physicians' knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to nutritional care, with a focus on prevention of coronary heart disease through cholesterol control [18].
  • Among patients with breast cancer who consulted the Department of Radiology, Kochi Medical School to undergo breast-conservation treatment, toremifene (TOR) alone was administered to 7 postmenopausal women as initial treatment for reasons such as the patient's desire, advanced age, and concomitant disease [19].
  • Eighteen healthy volunteers aged 22 to 37 (average 30.44 +/- 4.11 years) seeking fertility evaluation at the Fertility and Sterility Centre of the Medical Clinic of the University of L'Aquila Medical School were studied for norfloxacin concentrations in serum, urine and seminal plasma 14-15 h after taking two 400 mg doses of the drug [20].

Biological context of Schools, Medical


Anatomical context of Schools, Medical


Associations of Schools, Medical with chemical compounds

  • Among academicians, higher attained rank in 1990 was independently associated with the following: (1) membership in Alpha Omega Alpha (relative risk [RR] = 4.94, P = .0001); (2) rank in the top third of the graduating class (RR = 2.68, P = .01); and (3) research experience in medical school (RR = 3.11, P = .0001) [31].
  • Medical interviewing and interpersonal skills teaching in US medical schools. Progress, problems, and promise [32].
  • Recent graduates from medical school were less apt to prescribe tetracycline than were earlier graduates [33].
  • The Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine recipients had 80% less tuberculosis than unimmunized physicians infected after beginning medical school [34].
  • Can medical schools remain the optimal site for the conduct of clinical investigation? Presidential address before the 67th annual meeting of the American Society for Clinical Investigation, Atlantic City, New Jersey, 5 May 1975 [35].

Gene context of Schools, Medical

  • A group of 256 patients with UEC received surgery at the Osaka City University Medical School Hospital, and 196 tumor samples were immunohistochemically stained to examine the expression of MMP-2, 7 and 9, and TIMP-1 and 2 [36].
  • Expression of CD34 antigen and microvessel density were evaluated in sections of archival paraffin blocks originating from the Department of Pathological Anatomy, University Medical School and the Lower Silesia Centre of Oncology in Wrocław, Poland [37].
  • Students reported increased concern about curriculum and environment, personal competence and endurance, and time to have a life outside medical school at wave 2, compared to their reports at wave 1 [38].
  • Students who had completed a genetics course in medical school were significantly less likely to test a 7-year-old for a BRCA1 mutation than those who had not completed a formal course [39].
  • SETTING: Division of Respiratory Diseases, Kawasaki Medical School Hospital. PARTICIPANTS: Fifteen DPB and 77 COPD patients who had acute exacerbations of respiratory conditions and 35 and 120 control subjects, respectively, matched for age, sex, and smoking status [40].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Schools, Medical

  • METHODS: This prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-New Jersey Medical School, Newark, New Jersey. Patients aged > or =18 years scheduled to undergo orthotopic liver transplantation for ESLD were enrolled [41].
  • A retrospective review was conducted of all patients undergoing CO2 laser surgery by members of the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at Northwestern University Medical School from January 1, 1980 through December 31, 1981; 204 cases were identified and all are included in this report [42].
  • In September 1994, 82 housestaff and attending physicians with outpatient practices in the Division of General Internal Medicine at Northwestern University Medical School were randomized to a CBE-teaching intervention or a control group [43].
  • Such catheterizations performed at the UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School at Camden Cooper Hospital/University Medical Center (Camden, NJ) trauma center for the period January 1, 1988 to December 31, 1989 were retrospectively reviewed [44].
  • Suggestions, recommendations, and other comments aimed at improving the reporting of pediatric resuscitation should be sent to Arno Zaritsky, MD, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Children's Hospital of The King's Daughter, Division of Critical Care Medicine, 601 Children's Lane, Norfolk, VA 23507 [45].


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