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Splanchnic Nerves

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Disease relevance of Splanchnic Nerves


Psychiatry related information on Splanchnic Nerves


High impact information on Splanchnic Nerves


Chemical compound and disease context of Splanchnic Nerves


Biological context of Splanchnic Nerves


Anatomical context of Splanchnic Nerves


Associations of Splanchnic Nerves with chemical compounds


Gene context of Splanchnic Nerves

  • There have been several studies on the affects of age, sodium intake, stress, ACTH, and splanchnic nerve activity on the regulation of adrenal neuropeptide content [28].
  • In view of the findings of other authors: that VIP is released in response to splanchnic nerve stimulation, and that it is specifically localised in the capsular region of the adrenal, it seems most likely that VIP is the major peptide involved in mediating the increased adrenal blood flow following splanchnic nerve stimulation [29].
  • Stimulation of the splanchnic nerves did not affect the basal release of PYY [30].
  • Findings indicate that NPY is co-released with catecholamines under a variety of stimuli, including splanchnic nerve and cholinergic- and nicotinic-receptor activation [31].
  • 4. In hypophysectomized calves, administration of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH1-24) at a dose of 5 ng min-1 kg-1 reduced the output of adrenal CRF in response to splanchnic nerve stimulation by about 50% (P less than 0.05) [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Splanchnic Nerves

  • Transection of the splanchnic nerves almost completely (76%) prevented the reserpine-induced increases in the abundance of NPY mRNA and NPY pre-mRNA, but denervation alone did not affect their steady state levels [33].
  • 6. In contrast to its excitatory effects on peripheral colonic afferent cholinergic nerves, exogenous GABA caused a dose-dependent decrease in [3H]acetylcholine release during electrical stimulation of the central lumbar splanchnic nerves [34].
  • 4. In the presence of atropine, guanethidine, adrenalectomy and section of the greater splanchnic nerves, baclofen produced only a slight enhancement of rhythmic contractions but the large increase in gastric pressure was still present [35].
  • 5. CRF isolated from adrenal venous effluent plasma, collected both at rest and during splanchnic nerve stimulation, was separated by reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography and found to elute in a position identical to that of human 41CRF [32].
  • In order to study the role of the sympathetic nerves in the regulation of glucagon and insulin secretion, the distal stump of the left splanchnic nerve was electrically stimulated at the diaphragmatic level in the anesthetized dog under bilateral ligation of the adrenal veins [36].


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