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Genes, Bacterial

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Disease relevance of Genes, Bacterial


High impact information on Genes, Bacterial

  • Thiamine derivatives bind messenger RNAs directly to regulate bacterial gene expression [6].
  • In these fleas, the plague-causing bacteria are surrounded by an extracellular matrix of unknown composition, and the blockage depends on a group of bacterial genes known as the hmsHFRS operon [7].
  • We have obtained long-term stable transformants of T. brucei that have acquired the ability to grow in medium containing the drug G418, following the targeted insertion of the bacterial gene for neomycin phosphotransferase (neo(r) gene) into the trypanosome tubulin cluster [8].
  • Moreover, the physiological defect in purine nucleotide synthesis characteristic of human Lesch-Nyhan cells can be overcome by the introduction of the bacterial gene into these cells [9].
  • To determine if editing may occur in a chimeric mRNA, the N-terminal part of psbL containing the editing site was translationally fused with the aadA and kan bacterial genes [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Genes, Bacterial


Biological context of Genes, Bacterial


Anatomical context of Genes, Bacterial


Associations of Genes, Bacterial with chemical compounds


Gene context of Genes, Bacterial


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Genes, Bacterial


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