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Chemical Compound Review

dextrose     (2R,3R,4S,5S,6R)-6- (hydroxymethyl)oxane-2...

Synonyms: glucose, glucoside, glc-ring, D-glucose, b-Glucose, ...
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Disease relevance of glucose

  • Induction of a non-encephalitogenic type 2 T helper-cell autoimmune response in multiple sclerosis after administration of an altered peptide ligand in a placebo-controlled, randomized phase II trial. The Altered Peptide Ligand in Relapsing MS Study Group [1].
  • Apoptotic cell death seems to implicate the Fas/Fas ligand (L) pathway, as reflected by an increase of Fas/Fas L expression on neutrophils treated with EBV and an increase of soluble Fas L, which may function in an autocrine/paracrine pathway to mediate cell death [2].
  • Tumor Necrosis Factor-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand Is Required for Tumor Necrosis Factor {alpha}-Mediated Sensitization of Human Breast Cancer Cells to Chemotherapy [3].
  • PURPOSE: The objective of this phase III study was to determine the efficacy, safety, and pharmacokinetics of denileukin diftitox (DAB389IL-2, Ontak [Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc, San Diego, CA]) in patients with stage Ib to IVa cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) who have previously received other therapeutic interventions [4].
  • Postmortem measurements have suggested that Glc content in experimental brain tumors is relatively low [5].

Psychiatry related information on glucose

  • The N-Butylcarbamate Derivative of Galantamine Acts as an Allosteric Potentiating Ligand on alpha7 Nicotinic Receptors in Hippocampal Neurons: Clinical Implications for Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease [6].

High impact information on glucose

  • Second, mutant B cell clones with improved affinity for Ag are positively selected by Ag and CD40 ligand (L) [7].
  • Recent in vitro studies have established that activated B cells express OX40 ligand (L), a member of the tumor necrosis factor/nerve growth factor family of cytokines, and become stimulated to proliferate and secrete immunoglobulin (Ig) after cross-linking of OX40L by its counterreceptor OX40, which is expressed on activated T cells [8].
  • Anti-CD54 and MHC II mAbs as well as a CD8 alpha-CD40 ligand (L) soluble construct inhibited both the T-dependent induction of Ig secretion, and B cell phenotypic changes [9].
  • This was associated with a decrease in the number of high affinity thrombin binding sites on the platelet surface (analysis by "Ligand" program) from 31 per platelet to 12 per platelet (P less than 0.05) [10].
  • Transferrin binding to peripheral blood lymphocytes activated by phytohemagglutinin involves a specific receptor. Ligand interaction [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of glucose


Biological context of glucose

  • The active form of the Pu is stabilized by attachment of the Li to high-affinity internal or low-affinity external allosteric sites [17].
  • This study demonstrates that the abnormal up-regulation of apoptogenic receptors, including both Fas ligand (L) and tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), by highly malignant myeloma cells is involved in the pathogenesis of the ineffective erythropoiesis and chronic exhaustion of the erythroid matrix [18].
  • CD34(+)-derived int-DCs mature in response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) plus CD40 ligand (L) and become capable of CCL21/CCL19-mediated chemotaxis and naive T-cell activation [19].
  • Consistent with this, procaspase-14 can be processed in vitro by the death receptor-associated caspase-8 and caspase-10 but not other caspases, and in vivo after stimulation of cells with anti-Fas agonist antibody or Tumor Necrosis Factor-Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand [20].
  • However, the initial interaction might occur with an open/substrate-bound form of the binding protein, which would then close in contact with MalFG or Tar. Ligand would help stabilize this complex [21].

Anatomical context of glucose


Associations of glucose with other chemical compounds


Gene context of glucose

  • A PRoliferation-Inducing Ligand (APRIL) is a rather new member of that family, named for its capacity to stimulate the proliferation of tumour cells in vitro [32].
  • Identification and Characterization of the Precursors Committed to Osteoclasts Induced by TNF-Related Activation-Induced Cytokine/Receptor Activator of NF-{kappa}B Ligand [33].
  • Several laboratories have proposed that expression of Fas ligand (L) by tumor is the basis for this form of T cell tolerance [34].
  • METHODS: Ligand-induced activation of the Smad signaling pathway in human dermal fibroblasts was examined by Western blot analysis and confocal immunocytochemistry [35].
  • Molecular characterization of the haptoglobin.hemoglobin receptor CD163. Ligand binding properties of the scavenger receptor cysteine-rich domain region [36].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of glucose


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