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PRDX3  -  peroxiredoxin 3

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Disease relevance of PRDX3


Psychiatry related information on PRDX3

  • The singlet oxygen-mediated damage to SOD and catalase may result in the perturbation of cellular antioxidant defense mechanisms and subsequently lead to a pro-oxidant condition [6].

High impact information on PRDX3


Chemical compound and disease context of PRDX3


Biological context of PRDX3


Anatomical context of PRDX3


Associations of PRDX3 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of PRDX3

  • Natural bovine lactoferrin inhibited oxidation in buffered corn oil emulsions and lecithin liposome systems at pH 6.6 and 50 degrees C. The antioxidant activity increased with lactoferrin concentration in both phosphate- and Tris-buffered emulsions, but not in both buffered liposome systems [26].
  • The correlation between the levels of some antioxidant enzymes and compounds with progesterone levels indicates that antioxidative mechanisms are activated to cope with steroidogenesis dependent oxyradical formation in the bovine corpus luteum [27].
  • We studied whether antioxidant-surfactant liposomes increase cellular antioxidant activity in alveolar type II cells and whether this effect is influenced by the presence of surfactant protein A (SP-A) [28].

Other interactions of PRDX3


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of PRDX3


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