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Gene Review

Ntrk1  -  neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor,...

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: High affinity nerve growth factor receptor, Neurotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor type 1, Slow nerve growth factor receptor, Trk, Trk-A, ...
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Disease relevance of Ntrk1


Psychiatry related information on Ntrk1


High impact information on Ntrk1

  • The neurotrophin-induced depolarization resulted from the activation of a sodium ion conductance which was reversibly blocked by K-252a, a protein kinase blocker which prefers tyrosine kinase Trk receptors [11].
  • PMGS induces axon specification by enhancing TrkA activity locally, which triggers phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K)- and Rac1-dependent inhibition of RhoA signaling and the consequent actin depolymerization in one neurite only [12].
  • Cell survival through Trk neurotrophin receptors is differentially regulated by ubiquitination [13].
  • Here we show that survival of sympathetic neurons supported by NGF on distal axons requires the kinase activity of the NGF receptor, TrkA, in both distal axons and cell bodies [14].
  • Here, we provide in vivo and in vitro evidence for the presence within DRG neurons of endosomes containing NGF, activated TrkA, and signaling proteins of the Rap1/Erk1/2, p38MAPK, and PI3K/Akt pathways [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of Ntrk1


Biological context of Ntrk1

  • In this assay, brain tissues were exposed to neutrophins and ligand-induced Trk tyrosine phosphorylation was measured [20].
  • Unlike the biological actions of other tyrosine kinase receptors, increased Trk receptor activity by adenosine resulted in increased cell survival [21].
  • Trk receptor transactivation is slower and results in a selective increase in activated Akt [21].
  • Mutagenesis identifies amino-terminal residues of nerve growth factor necessary for Trk receptor binding and biological activity [22].
  • Therefore, a complex homeostasis of p75-selective and Trk-selective signals may determine the fate of cells expressing both receptors [1].

Anatomical context of Ntrk1

  • PNT-1 stimulated survival and proliferation of MG87 fibroblasts expressing either TrkA, TrkB, or TrkC [23].
  • In contrast, responsiveness to the TrkA ligand NGF was absent in the ebmryo and increased during the first 2 weeks after birth in various brain areas, particularly in striatum, basal forebrain, and hippocampus [20].
  • In contrast, purified mutant H4D results in a nearly 1000-fold loss in TrkA binding at 4 degrees C relative to (1-118)hNGF, at least 10-fold less potency of TrkA autophosphorylation, and 30-fold loss of potency in PC12 cell differentiation [22].
  • Specific stimulation of TrkA receptors by receptor cross-linking, on the other hand, selectively stimulated neurite outgrowth and APP secretion but not APP mRNA levels, which were decreased [24].
  • Plasma membranes of the basal layer of stratified squamous cells contained TrkA [25].

Associations of Ntrk1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Ntrk1

  • Down-regulation of the neurotrophin receptor TrkB following ligand binding. Evidence for an involvement of the proteasome and differential regulation of TrkA and TrkB [28].
  • These data are consistent with receptor allosterism, and prompted a search for TrkA/p75NTR complexes in the absence of NGF [29].
  • Coimmunoprecipitation assays showed that endogenous TrkA interacted with Mint2 in rat tissue homogenates, and immunohistochemical evidence revealed that Mint2 and TrkA colocalized in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons [30].

Enzymatic interactions of Ntrk1

  • Moreover, BMP-2 induced phosphorylated Trk immunoreactivity in cultured striatal neurones, suggesting that neurotrophins are involved in BMP-2 neurotrophic effects [31].
  • Moreover, on treatment with NGF, Trk-A is phosphorylated and early responsive genes such as NGFI-A, c-fos and c-jun are induced [32].

Regulatory relationships of Ntrk1

  • The p75NTR is a multifunctional type I membrane protein that promotes neurotrophin-induced neuronal survival and differentiation by forming a heteromeric co-receptor complex with the Trk receptors [33].
  • In addition, thymus cells expressed neuronal TrkA II mRNA and spleen cells expressed truncated TrkB mRNA [34].
  • Our studies show that the endosomal GTPase Rab7 controls the endosomal trafficking and neurite outgrowth signaling of TrkA [35].
  • NGF and neurotrophin-3 both activate TrkA on sympathetic neurons but differentially regulate survival and neuritogenesis [36].
  • In addition to this, K-252a an inhibitor of Trk type kinase blocked the prevention of muscimol-induced LTD by brain-derived neurotrophic factor [37].

Other interactions of Ntrk1

  • We found that similar to sympathetic neurons, CEP-11004 increased the levels of the Trk receptor expressed in CGNs, TrkB [38].
  • Retinoic acid induces BDNF responsiveness of sympathetic neurons by alteration of Trk neurotrophin receptor expression [39].
  • Ovaries in both PCO and PCO anti-NGF groups decreased in size as well as in number and size of corpora lutea. mRNA expression of alpha1a-AR and TrkA in the ovaries was lower, whereas expression of alpha1b- and alpha1d-AR and TH was higher, in the PCO group than in controls [40].
  • Neurotrophin was found to phosphorylate Trk A and B, and the neurotrophin-induced enhancement of plasminogen-secretion was suppressed by protein kinase inhibitor, K252a [41].
  • Mixed-lineage kinase inhibitors require the activation of Trk receptors to maintain long-term neuronal trophism and survival [38].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Ntrk1


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