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Gene Review

BSG  -  basigin (Ok blood group)

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: 5F7, Basigin, CD147, Collagenase stimulatory factor, EMMPRIN, ...
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Disease relevance of BSG


Psychiatry related information on BSG


High impact information on BSG

  • Peptides were aligned with the amino acid sequence of the entire M6 protein predicted by the DNA sequence of the M6 gene [8].
  • Competitive inhibition studies using peptides synthesized on the basis of peptide and DNA sequences, in concert with selective blocking of amino acid residues, allowed for the further identification and placement of these crossreactive epitopes within the M6 molecule [8].
  • Conversion of an M- group A streptococcus to M+ by transfer of a plasmid containing an M6 gene [9].
  • In heart cells, CD147 and MCT1 co-localize, concentrating at the t-tubular and intercalated disk regions [10].
  • We conclude that CD147 facilitates proper expression of MCT1 and MCT4 at the cell surface, where they remain tightly bound to each other [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of BSG


Biological context of BSG


Anatomical context of BSG


Associations of BSG with chemical compounds

  • Regulation of CD147 cell surface expression: involvement of the proline residue in the CD147 transmembrane domain [21].
  • Previously, we demonstrated that cell surface expression of CD147 is sensitive to cyclophilin-binding drug cyclosporin A, suggesting involvement of a cyclophilin in the regulation of intracellular transport of CD147 [2].
  • The production and glycosylation of EMMPRIN in the stromal cells were augmented by progesterone at the posttranscriptional and posttranslational stages, respectively [19].
  • EMMPRIN mRNA levels varied throughout the menstrual cycle in parallel with the cyclic changes in estradiol [22].
  • In the parenchymal epithelia of kidney, thyroid, and liver, MCT/CD147 heterocomplexes are localized in the basolateral membrane where they transport lactate out of or into the cell depending on metabolic conditions [23].

Physical interactions of BSG

  • Presentation of MMP-1 complexed to EMMPRIN at the tumor cell surface may be important in modifying the tumor cell pericellular matrix to promote invasion [20].
  • Solution binding experiments demonstrated that the transmembrane domain was both necessary and sufficient for CD147 binding to cyclophilin A (CypA) [21].

Co-localisations of BSG


Regulatory relationships of BSG


Other interactions of BSG

  • EMMPRIN (CD147), an inducer of matrix metalloproteinase synthesis, also binds interstitial collagenase to the tumor cell surface [20].
  • Thus, the MT1-MMP-dependent cleavage eliminates the functional N-terminal domain of EMMPRIN from the cell surface, which is expected to down-regulate its function [18].
  • These results suggest that Cyp60 plays an important role in the translocation of CD147 to the cell surface [2].
  • Overexpression of caveolin-1 caused a specific decrease in clustering of cell surface CD147, as detected by "cluster specific" mAb M6/13 [24].
  • MMP-3 protein (308%) and EMMPRIN mRNA and protein were also upregulated (171% and 200%) [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of BSG


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