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Gene Review

Myb  -  myeloblastosis oncogene

Mus musculus

Synonyms: AI550390, M16449, Proto-oncogene c-Myb, Transcriptional activator Myb, c-myb
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Disease relevance of Myb


High impact information on Myb

  • A functional c-myb gene is required for normal murine fetal hepatic hematopoiesis [6].
  • To better understand its normal biological function, we have altered the c-myb gene by homologous recombination in mouse embryonic stem cells [6].
  • Analysis indicated that embryonic erythropoiesis, which occurs in the yolk sac, was not impaired by the c-myb alteration [6].
  • Resulting homozygous c-myb mutant mice displayed an interesting phenotype [6].
  • At day 13 of gestation these mice appeared normal, suggesting that c-myb is not essential for early development [6].

Chemical compound and disease context of Myb


Biological context of Myb

  • The down-regulation of Myb by Wnt-1 signal may play an important role in a variety of developmental steps [12].
  • We show that Myb is required to protect activated peripheral T cells from bcl-2-independent apoptosis and that overexpression of oncogenic v-Myb is antiapoptotic [13].
  • Differential regulation of c-Myb-induced transcription activation by a phosphorylation site in the negative regulatory domain [2].
  • Consistent with the established roles of c-Myb and Runx factors in Edelta function, we detected low level, enhancer-independent activity of the Ddelta2 promoter in transient transfection experiments [14].
  • This suggests that phosphorylation of serine 528 may differentially regulate c-Myb activity at different promoters [2].

Anatomical context of Myb

  • To investigate the possibility that this regulatory connection contributes to Myb's oncogenicity, we expressed a dominant negative Myb in the myeloid leukemic cell line RI-4-11 [4].
  • Here we have studied the mechanism of action and the nature of target genes through which c-Myb mediates the block in differentiation of 32Dcl3 murine myeloid cells [15].
  • Interestingly, c-myb mRNA and Myb protein are expressed at levels similar to the levels observed in myeloid progenitor cells, but are not overexpressed [16].
  • The differentiation into erythrocytes was accompanied by sequential transient expression of the proto-oncogenes in the order of c-fos, c-myb, c-myc and c-k-ras, during the first 48 hr of differentiation induction [17].
  • To compare the biological activities of c-myb and B-myb, the two genes were overexpressed in 32Dcl3 cells, which are known to undergo terminal differentiation into granulocytes in the presence of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) [18].

Associations of Myb with chemical compounds

  • We have tested the ability of S528A Myb to transactivate a series of cellular target promoters and report that the serine to alanine substitution increased the ability of Myb to activate transcription from the CD34 promoter but not the c-myc or mim-1 promoters [2].
  • While bcl-2 expression was reduced by 50% in ERMYB cells grown in the absence of beta-estradiol, there was no increase in DNA laddering, suggesting that Myb was not protecting ERMYB cells from apoptosis [19].
  • Activation of Myb/ER in F-MEL cells had no effect upon the early and transient inhibition of entry into S phase associated with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) induction [20].
  • Dexamethasone, which blocks expression of HMBA-induced MELC differentiation, does not alter the early pattern of changes in protooncogene mRNA nor the sustained elevation of c-fos, but it does inhibit the continued suppression of c-myb allowing c-myb to return toward control levels [21].
  • These results suggest that the two isoforms of c-Myb differentially regulate apoptotic death of myeloid cells through differential regulation of glutathione S-transferase micro gene expression [22].

Physical interactions of Myb

  • Here we report that TIF1beta directly binds to the NRD and negatively regulates the c-Myb-dependent trans-activation [23].
  • Sequence analysis of the 5' flanking region of the c-myb gene revealed a consensus PU box at position +16 to +21 able to specifically interact in electrophoretic mobility shift assays with either bacterially synthesized PU.1 protein or whole cell extracts from differentiated 32Dcl3 cells [24].
  • A segment of the bcl-2 promoter (nucleotides +34 to +58 relative to the transcription initiation site) contained a putative Myb-binding site and was shown to specifically interact with B-Myb and to confer B-Myb responsiveness to a bcl-2/chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter construct [25].
  • Here we have determined that Myb-related transcription factors bind to the gamma 3 site and appear to be critical for the full activity of the TCR-gamma enhancer. c-myb products can transactivate the gamma 3 site in cell lines that do not ordinarily support enhancer activity of the gamma 3 site [26].
  • Myb binding sites within the N-ras promoter repress transcription [27].

Regulatory relationships of Myb

  • We observed that c-myb blocked the G-CSF-induced terminal differentiation of 32Dcl3 cells, resulting in their continued proliferation in the presence of G-CSF [18].
  • Enforced c-myb expression also prevents the loss in leukemogenicity of M1 cells normally induced by interleukin-6 or leukemia inhibitory factor [28].
  • Calcineurin mediates repression of plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase-4 (PMCA4) expression in neurons, whereas c-Myb is known to repress PMCA1 expression in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) [29].
  • Ectopic overexpression of the glutathione S-transferase micro gene in 32Dcl3 cells resulted in protection of cells from interleukin-3 withdrawal-induced cell death similar to that seen with the ectopic overexpression of p89 c-Myb [22].
  • IL-4 did not significantly affect LIF-induced junB expression or suppression of c-myb expression [30].

Other interactions of Myb


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Myb


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  13. c-Myb transcription is activated by protein kinase B (PKB) following interleukin 2 stimulation of Tcells and is required for PKB-mediated protection from apoptosis. Lauder, A., Castellanos, A., Weston, K. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2001) [Pubmed]
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