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Gene Review

Ctsl  -  cathepsin L

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: CATHL, CP-2, CatL, Cathepsin L, Cathepsin L1, ...
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Disease relevance of Ctsl


Psychiatry related information on Ctsl

  • Thus, the results from this study demonstrate that beta-amyloid impacts on cathepsin-L as an upstream event in the neurodegenerative process and this result highlights the potential role of lysosomal components in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease [6].

High impact information on Ctsl

  • The 28- and 38-kD proteins were shown to be identical to the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) and the proenzyme form of cathepsin L, respectively [7].
  • This intermediate compartment contained only small amounts of cathepsin L in comparison to lysosomes and was bound by a double membrane, typical of nascent vacuoles [8].
  • Reduced cathepsin L activity, increased numbers of lysosomes, and the formation of meganeurites are all reported to occur during brain aging; thus, it is possible that the infusion of ZPAD into cultured slices sets in motion a greatly accelerated gerontological sequence [9].
  • Hepatic collagenase activity was similar to the control; however, hepatic cathepsin B and cathepsin L activity and the intracellular degradation of newly synthesized collagen were markedly decreased 3, 5, and 7 days after partial hepatectomy compared with the controls [10].
  • Furthermore the mature 29-kDa single-chain and 22-kDa heavy-chain forms of cathepsin L were undetectable in endosomes, although high levels of the 37-kDa proform were observed [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Ctsl


Biological context of Ctsl


Anatomical context of Ctsl


Associations of Ctsl with chemical compounds

  • On gene array analysis, cathepsin L's message abundance was significantly increased by dexamethasone, and, by in vitro assay, cathepsin L created a 14-kDa carboxyl fragment that corresponded to the sole antigen detected in IEC-18 cell lysates as well as a 16.5-kDa fragment found in the media [18].
  • Epoxy succinate peptide derivatives, CLIK-066, 088, 112, 121, 148, 181, 185 and 187, are typical specific inhibitors for cathepsin L. Aldehyde derivatives CLIK-060 and CLIK-164 showed specific inhibition against cathepsin S and cathepsin K, respectively [2].
  • In addition, by using CM-cellulose column chromatography, cathepsin B and L were separated and the level of cathepsin L activity increased significantly [19].
  • The sequence of rat liver cathepsin L determined at the protein level was identical with that deduced from the cDNA sequence except that in the heavy chain, residues 176-177 (Asp-Ser) were not present at the C-terminus and alanine was replaced by proline at residue 125 [20].
  • The precursor showed a single protein band with Mr 39 kDa on SDS/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and was immunoreacted with the anti-rat cathepsin L antibody [21].

Regulatory relationships of Ctsl


Other interactions of Ctsl


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Ctsl


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