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Disease relevance of Scrotum


Psychiatry related information on Scrotum


High impact information on Scrotum


Chemical compound and disease context of Scrotum


Biological context of Scrotum


Anatomical context of Scrotum

  • Although enhanced medical surveillance likely plays a role, 2-way, positive associations between thyroid cancer and cancers of the breast, prostate, kidney, salivary glands, brain and CNS, scrotum, and leukemia suggest etiologic similarities and possible treatment effects [21].
  • The penis, scrotum, perineum and perianal areas were inspected, and the penis was reinspected after staining with 5% acetic acid [22].
  • Animals in Group II had only the cauda epididymidis of one side maintained within the abdominal cavity (cryptepididymal) while the caput epididymides and testes remained in the scrotum [23].
  • We have been able to confirm the hormonal independence of the scrotum, pouch and mammary gland by administering testosterone propionate daily by mouth to female pouch young from the day of birth; although the Wolffian duct was hyperstimulated, there was no sign of scrotal development, or pouch or mammary inhibition [24].
  • The presence of multiple HPV types in genital cells from the urethra, urethral meatus, scrotum, penile shaft, and coronal sulcus was evaluated [25].

Associations of Scrotum with chemical compounds

  • We administered testosterone transdermally to six hypogonadal men by applying a thin flexible polymeric membrane containing testosterone to the scrotum [26].
  • The unexpected absence of such a decrease in scrotal skin might be explained by the embryological origin of the scrotum, which is similar to that of the prostate, an organ which also does not show any age-dependent decrease in androgen concentration [27].
  • HPV detection was comparable in physician- and self-collected specimens; detection was highest in the penile shaft (51.2% and 51.5%, respectively, P = 0.96), followed by the scrotum (41.2% and 46.2%, P = 0.43), the glans/coronal sulcus (31.9% and 33.1%, P = 0.84), and the foreskin (33.3% and 28.6%, P = 0.74) [28].
  • In the other trial 29 patients received EMLA cream on 1 side of the scrotum before bilateral mepivacaine infiltration [29].
  • We report on a 45-year-old man with incomplete voiding and massively enlarged right scrotum along with elevated creatinine who was found to have massive inguinoscrotal herniation [30].

Gene context of Scrotum

  • Slow releasing pellets were loaded with either basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), vascular endothelial cell growth factor (VEGF) or vehicle alone and were placed in the scrotum of mice [31].
  • To test whether testicular descent into the scrotum contributes to the block in spermatogonial differentiation, jsd mutant (jsd/jsd) mice were bilaterally cryptorchidized at the age of 4 wk [32].
  • In non-stressed animals, PCNA-positive cells were identified frequently in the epidermis in pinna, abdomen, dorsum and scrotum [33].
  • These antibodies did not prevent the aspermatogenic action of BS RNase in vivo when a twofold higher amount of this enzyme was injected into mouse scrotum [34].
  • BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Cell proliferation at the gubernacular tip increases in response to exogenous calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) during migration into the scrotum [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Scrotum


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