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Gene Review

NES  -  nestin

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: FLJ21841, Nbla00170, Nestin
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Disease relevance of NES


Psychiatry related information on NES


High impact information on NES

  • Interestingly, an NES mutant of c-Fos, but not wild-type, substitutes ERK5 activity for HeLa cell proliferation [11].
  • The number of immature glial cell fibers, expressing nestin, was not affected, but the proportion of mature glial cell fibers, expressing glial fibrillary acidic protein, was significantly decreased by both LID and MMI treatment of the dams [12].
  • A nestin scaffold links Cdk5/p35 signaling to oxidant-induced cell death [13].
  • The intermediate filament protein, nestin, has been implicated as an organizer of survival-determining signaling molecules [13].
  • When nestin expression was related to the sensitivity of neural progenitor cells to oxidant-induced apoptosis, nestin displayed a distinct cytoprotective effect [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of NES

  • Full-length atrophin-1 with 65 polyglutamine repeats and mutations inactivating the NES also yielded increased nuclear localization and increased toxicity [14].
  • A construct with 65 glutamine repeats encoding an N-terminal fragment (which removes an NES) of atrophin-1 similar in size to the truncation product in DRPLA patient tissue, showed increased nuclear labeling, and an increase in cellular toxicity, compared with a similar fragment with 26 glutamines [14].
  • Outside any period of acute exposure, the workers answered a self-administered questionnaire on neurotoxic symptoms, EUROQUEST, and performed six psychometric tests on a computer-assisted version of battery NES [15].
  • Apart from that, a significant change was observed in 5/41 parameters being monitored (the pair t-test): I) decrease in the total NES score, II) decrease in the sensorial integration subscale NES score, III) increase in psychomotor speed, IV) decrease in auditory reaction time, V) increase in basal cortisol [16].
  • The complex retroviruses encode a Rev protein that uses a leucine-rich NES to interact with CRM1 and the U snRNA-export pathway [17].

Biological context of NES


Anatomical context of NES

  • Subcellular fractionation and immunoblot studies indicate that nestin is present in the nucleus as well as in the cytoplasm of neuroblastoma cell lines [1].
  • We observed that 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) + nestin double-labeled neural precursor cells increased in the spinal cords of Tg mice compared with non-Tg mice, with a much greater increase produced by EGF and FGF2 treatment [19].
  • HLSCs were also positive for vimentin and nestin, a stem cell marker [20].
  • In conclusion, nestin is expressed in the human kidney from the first steps of glomerulogenesis within podocytes, mesangial, and endothelial cells [21].
  • Nestin was also detected in developing glomeruli within immature podocytes and a few other cells [21].

Associations of NES with chemical compounds

  • METHODS: Formalin fixed, paraffin processed sections from two human foetuses, 16 brain tumours of both neuronal and glial lineage and two metastatic tumours were immunostained with polyclonal antibody to nestin [22].
  • To further explore the neuroprotective mechanisms underlying HB1.F3 cell transplantation, we performed cell culture studies and found that a modest number of HB1.F3 cells were TH and dopamine and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein 32 positive, although most cells were nestin positive, suggesting a mixed population of mature and immature cells [23].
  • The induced cells were observed for morphological properties and detected for expressions of type II collagen, triglyceride or neuron-specific enolase and nestin [24].
  • A 150-amino-acid fragment derived from the cloned nestin cDNA was coupled to glutathione S-transferase and used as an immunogen to generate a rabbit polyclonal antiserum that selectively detects human nestin [25].
  • CONCLUSIONS: A subpopulation of human corneal stem cells exhibit neuronal properties in vitro, as evidenced by immunoreactivity to nestin, GABA receptor, glycine receptor, and serotonin receptor, as well as functional neurophysiological responses to GABA and kainic acid [26].

Physical interactions of NES


Co-localisations of NES


Regulatory relationships of NES


Other interactions of NES


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of NES


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