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Gene Review

Dll1  -  delta-like 1 (Drosophila)

Mus musculus

Synonyms: Delta-like protein 1, Delta1, Drosophila Delta homolog 1
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Disease relevance of Dll1

  • Interestingly, absence of Delta-1 leads to diminution of both neurons and glia in peripheral ganglia, suggesting a general depletion of the ganglion precursor pool in mutant mice [1].
  • Although titers of WT and Delta cmaA2 organisms were identical during mouse infection, Delta cmaA2 bacteria were hypervirulent while inducing larger granulomas than WT M. tuberculosis [2].
  • Mutations in the DSL (Delta, Serrate, Lag2) Notch (N) ligand Delta-like (Dll) 3 cause skeletal abnormalities in spondylocostal dysostosis, which is consistent with a critical role for N signaling during somitogenesis [3].
  • Notch pathway inhibition with soluble Delta ligand or gamma secretase inhibitors resulted in a marked reduction of viable cell numbers in medulloblastoma cell lines and primary tumor cultures [4].
  • To address this issue, we compared the susceptibility of Mttp(Delta/Delta) mice and Mttp(flox/flox) controls to hepatic injury from Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharides, concanavalin A, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A [5].

Psychiatry related information on Dll1

  • In control mice, sleep deprivation induced a rise of coherence in the Delta band of NREM sleep in the first 2 h of recovery [6].
  • With the availability of the highly selective, nonequilibrium delta-1 opioid receptor antagonist, [D-Ala2,Leu5,Cys6]enkephalin, it was possible, in the present report, to examine the possible involvement of delta-1 opioid receptors in the development of opiate dependence [7].
  • Antinociception was evaluated by the increase in reaction time difference (Delta latency), between readings obtained before and after the administration of drugs [8].
  • The present investigation evaluated alcohol-drinking behaviors in mice that are haplodeficient in CREB as a result of targeted CREB (alpha and Delta) gene disruption [9].

High impact information on Dll1

  • The mouse pudgy mutation disrupts Delta homologue Dll3 and initiation of early somite boundaries [10].
  • An alternative mechanism for the expression of the delta gene is found in hybridoma B1-8. delta 1, which actively secretes delta chains and synthesizes no mu chain [11].
  • Here we report that, in Dll1-deficient mouse embryos, a primary metameric pattern is established in mesoderm, and cytodifferentiation is apparently normal, but the segments have no cranio-caudal polarity, and no epithelial somites form [12].
  • These results show that Dll1 is involved in compartmentalization of somites, that dermomyotome and sclerotome differentiation are independent of formation of epithelia and subdivision of somites in cranial and caudal halves, and that compartmentalization is essential for the maintenance of segment borders in paraxial mesoderm-derived structures [12].
  • The TCR expressed by this gamma delta T-cell subset consists of the same V delta 1 chain [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of Dll1


Biological context of Dll1

  • We show, that the loss-of-function of the delta 1 (Dll1) gene causes a situs ambiguous phenotype, including randomisation of the direction of heart looping and embryonic turning [19].
  • Dll1 expression in the paraxial mesoderm and nervous system is strikingly similar to the expression of mouse Notch1 during gastrulation and early organogenesis [20].
  • Moreover, analyses of the lungs from the gene-targeted mice suggested that expression of Delta-like 1 (Dll1 - Mouse Genome Informatics) mRNA depends on Mash1 [21].
  • However, Math1-null rhombic lip cells presented conspicuous downregulation of Notch4 and Dll1 [22].
  • Identification of Dll1 (Delta1) target genes during mouse embryogenesis using differential expression profiling [23].

Anatomical context of Dll1

  • The defects in RC polarity were determined by the altered expressions of Uncx4.1 and Dll1 in the segmented somites and presomitic mesoderm, respectively [24].
  • In the absence of Dll1, auditory hair cells develop early and in excess, in agreement with the lateral inhibition hypothesis [25].
  • Notch2, Notch3, and Dll1 are initially expressed by most cells within the pituitary primordium and become restricted to a subset of the progenitor cell pool as differentiated pituitary cells begin to appear [26].
  • In the normal thymus anlages on embryonic day 13, Dll4 is strongly expressed throughout the epithelial region, but Dll1 is expressed only in scattered cells [27].
  • In contrast, epithelial cells of the nude thymus anlages express neither Dll1 nor Dll4 [27].

Associations of Dll1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Dll1


Enzymatic interactions of Dll1

  • We show that full-length Notch1 [N1(FL)] transfected into wild type (WT) primary neurons is cleaved in the presence of its biological ligand Delta (Dl) and translocated to the nucleus within 1--3 min of ligand addition [33].

Regulatory relationships of Dll1

  • Our results indicate that WNT activity, in synergy with TBX6, regulates Dll1 transcription and thereby controls Notch activity, somite formation, and patterning [34].
  • Expression of c-fos in cortex and cingulate gyrus was enhanced in beta-APPDelta/Delta mice, although the amount of structural damage and apoptosis in the hippocampal pyramidal cell layer and cortex was similar to that of controls [30].
  • Opposite role of delta 1- and delta 2-opioid receptors activated by endogenous or exogenous opioid agonists on the endogenous cholecystokinin system: further evidence for delta-opioid receptor heterogeneity [35].

Other interactions of Dll1

  • The Delta-Notch signaling pathway is an evolutionarily conserved intercellular signaling mechanism essential for cell fate specification [36].
  • Notch ligands with contrasting functions: Jagged1 and Delta1 in the mouse inner ear [25].
  • We hypothesise that Dll1 is involved in the release of cells from the precursor population and that Dll3 is required later to divert neurons along a specific differentiation pathway [37].
  • The level of Dll1 transcripts is also increased in the presomitic mesoderm of PS1(-/-) embryos, while the level of Notch1 transcripts is unchanged, in contrast to a previous report (Wong et al., 1997, Nature 387, 288-292) [38].
  • Expression of Jagged2 and Delta1 seldom was affected by the stimuli [39].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Dll1


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  2. Trans-cyclopropanation of mycolic acids on trehalose dimycolate suppresses Mycobacterium tuberculosis -induced inflammation and virulence. Rao, V., Gao, F., Chen, B., Jacobs, W.R., Glickman, M.S. J. Clin. Invest. (2006) [Pubmed]
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