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Gene Review

Cxcl1  -  chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 1

Mus musculus

Synonyms: C-X-C motif chemokine 1, Fsp, Gro, Gro1, Growth-regulated alpha protein, ...
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Disease relevance of Cxcl1


High impact information on Cxcl1

  • Impaired transepithelial migration was accompanied by a lack of both shed syndecan-1, a heparan sulfate proteoglycan, and KC, a CXC chemokine, in the alveolar fluid [6].
  • Two of these (KC and JE) were studied in detail [7].
  • This phosphorylation modulates its association with HDAC1, -3, and -6 and attenuates its oncogenicity by selectively controlling the expression of a subset of newly identified target genes such as SLPI and Cxcl1 [8].
  • Increased levels of the T cell-derived proinflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-17 and of neutrophil chemoattractant CXC chemokines macrophage inflammatory protein-2/CXCL8 and cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant/CXCL1 were associated with adhesion formation [9].
  • We have found that two chemokines, recombinant gro-alpha and gro-beta, specifically inhibit growth factor-stimulated proliferation of capillary endothelial cells in a dose-dependent manner, whereas gro-gamma has no inhibitory effect [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Cxcl1


Biological context of Cxcl1

  • Moreover, the expression of KC was parallel to the expression of the Duffy antigen binding protein for chemokines with regard to temporal pattern and tissue localization [14].
  • Inhibitors of protein synthesis block the progression of quiescent 3T3 cells through G1 into S phase; however these drugs do not block the induction of KC and JE by PDGF [7].
  • JE and KC downregulation by means of the AP-1 complex may play a role in the actions of glucocorticoids as anti-inflammatory and antitumor agents [15].
  • Although KC strongly increases Mac-1 expression on human PMN, it does not induce chemotaxis in vitro [11].
  • In these transgenic mice, doxycycline treatment induced a strong up-regulation in the expression of KC in several tissues, including heart, liver, kidney, skin, and skeletal muscle [16].

Anatomical context of Cxcl1

  • Surprisingly, neutrophil depletion before injury resulted in sustained high levels of both KC and MIP-2 expression [1].
  • The results of this study indicate 1) that the murine receptor for MIP-2 and KC, muCXCR2, plays a major role in neutrophil recruitment to s.c. tissue and the peritoneal cavity in response to proinflammatory agents and 2) that CXCR2 receptor antagonists prevent acute inflammation in vivo [17].
  • The murine CXC-chemokines macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2) and KC induce migration of mouse mesangial cells [18].
  • Elevation of chemokine MIP-1beta, MIP-2, and KC mRNA levels induced by C. albicans was not affected in macrophages whose MR expression was suppressed by antisense ODN treatment [19].
  • By ELISA, KC protein was significantly elevated in Ad37-injected corneas at 8 and 16 hours, and MCP-1 protein at 16 hours after injection (P < 0.05) [20].

Associations of Cxcl1 with chemical compounds

  • KC was elevated at 1 h, and peaked at 6 h following LPS [21].
  • Oral administration of ethanol significantly suppressed HIV-1gp120-induced KC and RANTES release [5].
  • These myocytes also released the CXC chemokines LIX and KC; an event prevented by MG 132 [22].
  • Doxycycline treatment of nontransgenic mice grafted with transgenic skin caused dense neutrophilic infiltration of the grafts, but not the surrounding host skin, indicating that the KC produced in transgenic tissues was biologically active [16].
  • The expression of mRNA for c-fos could be readily induced by treatment of macrophages with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) alone and that for JE by PMA plus the inophore A23187; mRNA for KC was largely unaffected by these agents [23].

Physical interactions of Cxcl1

  • Overexpression of a human Ikappa(B)alpha dominant suppresser in Pam 212 cells inhibited TNF-alpha-induced NF-kappaB binding activity and KC expression [24].

Regulatory relationships of Cxcl1


Other interactions of Cxcl1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cxcl1

  • KC was bound to shed syndecan-1, and it was not detected in the lavage of syndecan-1 null mice [6].
  • Expression of these genes in control isografts was at low levels, with the exception of JE, which was expressed at equivalent levels in all iso- and allografts for the first 4-5 days posttransplant, and KC, which was expressed at equivalent levels in C57BL/6 isografts and bm1 and bm12 allografts [29].
  • The number of interstitial infiltrated neutrophils correlated well with serum levels of KC at 24 hrs after reperfusion, whereas the number of interstitial infiltrated macrophages correlated well with the serum levels of MIP-1alpha and monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1 at 24 and 48 hrs after reperfusion, respectively [30].
  • The murine counterpart of the above human genes has been reported to be the chemokine CXCL1 or KC, and therefore we studied its regulation, confirming its mRNA increase by Northern blots [4].
  • Cigarette smoke exposure for 3 days induced a time-dependent airway neutrophilia associated with an increased level of keratinocyte-derived chemokine (KC), macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-2, MIP-1alpha and MMP-9 in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) [31].


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