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Gene Review

PRB1  -  proline-rich protein BstNI subfamily 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: Basic salivary proline-rich protein 1, PM, PMF, PMS, PRB1L, ...
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Disease relevance of PRB1


Psychiatry related information on PRB1

  • Although PMS would appear to be the best candidate for a mood disorder associated with abnormalities in reproductive hormones, no abnormalities in LH, estradiol or progesterone have been documented in PMS either [62] [6].
  • Fourteen women with PMS and ten without PMS were evaluated with a battery of neuropsychological tests during the follicular and late luteal phases of two consecutive menstrual cycles [7].
  • Depressive symptoms, which were the most important in leading women to seek help for their PMS, were related to all three factors [8].
  • PMS is a well-defined premenstrual cluster of predominantly affective symptoms that disrupt a woman's daily functioning [9].
  • Periodic leg movements during sleep (PMS) is a disorder frequently encountered in narcolepsy [10].

High impact information on PRB1

  • Analysis of the effects of PMF, varied ATP concentrations or synthetic translocation arrest show that the stop-translocation efficiency of a mildly hydrophobic segment depends on the translocation kinetics [11].
  • The Ps1 gene is predicted to encode lycopene beta-cyclase and is necessary for the accumulation of both abscisic acid and the carotenoid zeaxanthin in mature maize embryos [12].
  • Eight additional PM genes are present in the P. falciparum genome [13].
  • Our genome-wide analysis reveals that PM I, II, and IV and histo-aspartic protease encode hemoglobin-degrading food vacuole proteases [13].
  • Because of a probable gene conversion encompassing > or = 684 bp of DNA, the "PRB2-like" Con2 glycoprotein is encoded in exon 3 of a PRB1 allele (PRB1M CON2+) with a potential glycosylation site [14].

Chemical compound and disease context of PRB1

  • A total of 60 patients with advanced breast cancer were treated with a combination of prednimustine (P: 110 mg/m2, days 1-5), mitoxantrone (M: 12 mg/m2, day 1) and 5-fluorouracil (F: 500 mg/m2, day 1) (PMF) [15].
  • Preliminary studies indicate a role for further research on Vitamin B6 or ginger for nausea and vomiting of pregnancy; calcium, magnesium, Vitamin B6, or chaste-tree berry extract for PMS; and a low-fat diet, exercise, or fish oil supplementation for dysmenorrhea [16].
  • These results are discussed in relation to the role of dopamine in the physiopathology of narcolepsy and PMS [10].
  • While there was little difference in hematologic and nonhematologic toxicity between those patients receiving P or PF, and such toxicity was generally acceptable to both patients and physicians, the addition of MTX (PMF) resulted in greater toxicity (vomiting, stomatitis, and alopecia) which was less readily accepted [17].
  • AIMS: To compare, according to a randomized double-blind crossover study, the effects of a pharmaceutical preparation of a specific 0.2% glyceryl trinitrate ointment (PMF 303) and of the common preparation reported in the literature on the anal resting pressure in patients with anal fissure [18].

Biological context of PRB1


Anatomical context of PRB1

  • When unpaired PMS neurons are examined in pairs of adjacent ganglia, however, the cells are from opposite sides in the majority of cases (approximately 88%) [4].
  • In summary, we propose that Ps1 is involved in the functional manifestation of the segmentation clock in the presomitic mesoderm [22].
  • Thus, Ps1-dependent activation of the Notch pathway is essential for caudal half somite development [22].
  • These methods permit the selection of homogeneous populations of the three mitotic fibroblast cell types MF I, II and III, and the four postmitotic cell types PMF IV, V, VI and VII [23].
  • Among the hydrolytic enzymes, we have identified a basic proteinase (Prb1) which is induced by either autoclaved mycelia, fungal cell wall preparation or chitin; however, the induction does not occur in the presence of glucose [24].

Associations of PRB1 with chemical compounds


Other interactions of PRB1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of PRB1

  • Solution and solid-state circular dichroism analyses of a human salivary proline-rich glycoprotein repeating domain and its subfragments [34].
  • Use of the Paragon Multiple Stain for Frozen Sections (PMS) for Tzanck preparations of herpetic lesions has several distinct advantages over procedures previously described; the method is rapid, simple, inexpensive, and results in hematoxylin-eosin-like staining [35].
  • We first searched for a c-mpl mutation/deletion by sequencing the entire coding region of the gene by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in nine ET patients and five PMF patients, but no mutation was found [3].
  • Cell cultures established from renal biopsies revealed the presence of the three mitotic fibroblast types (MF I through MF III) and the three postmitotic types (PMF IV through PMF VI) [36].
  • For each LNAA, except tryptophan, "fed" values (ie, those at 3 PM and 7 PM) were decreased relative to "fasting" values (those at 3 AM and 7 AM) after consumption of the O-g protein-free diet, but increased after consumption of the 150-g protein diet [37].


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