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Chemical Compound Review

suloctidil     2-(octylamino)-1-(4-propan- 2...

Synonyms: Bemperil, Farectil, Sulocton, Sulodene, Cerebro, ...
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Disease relevance of suloctidil


Psychiatry related information on suloctidil


High impact information on suloctidil

  • Clark et al. conclude from their analysis of volumetric brain proportions ("cerebro-types") that cerebellum size is invariant across mammalian taxonomic groups, the neocortex and cerebellum do not co-vary in size (in contradiction to ref. 1), and cerebrotype-based measures identify directional changes in brain architecture [11].
  • Elevated blood pressure is an important risk factor for renal-, cerebro- and cardiovascular diseases [12].
  • The gamma band (26-40 Hz) showed strongest modulation for cerebro-muscular coherence and was strongest for the isometric contraction conditions [13].
  • This study specifically addresses the issues of (i) task-relatedness, (ii) hemispheric symmetry, and (iii) frequency specificity of the measures power, cerebro-muscular coherence, and cerebro-cerebral coherence in bilateral primary motor cortex and supplementary motor area (SMA) [13].
  • Power, cerebro-musclar coherence, and cerebro-cerebral coherence between these areas were computed for four frequency bands in each condition and subjected to ANOVA [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of suloctidil


Biological context of suloctidil


Anatomical context of suloctidil

  • These results imply that an intact cerebro-basal ganglia loop is essential for awareness of limb position and suggest a selective role of the basal ganglia but not the cerebellum in kinaesthesia [24].
  • Effects of suloctidil on platelet survival time following cardiac valve replacement [25].
  • Mortality, cerebro- or cardiovascular events, amputations, arterial occlusions or number of revascularization procedures performed in the lower limbs, pain-free and total walking distance, ankle brachial index and calf blood flow, were the main outcomes considered [26].
  • The effects of small doses are attributed to a local action in the brainstem which causes inhibition of spinal neurones either by activating descending inhibitory neuronal systems or by liberating endogenous substances which reach the spinal cord via the cerebro-spinal fluid [27].
  • This point kernel approach was used in combination with a distance histogram technique, to study in more detail the absorbed dose distribution in the cerebro-spinal fluid, in the surface of the central nervous system, and in tumor sites [28].

Associations of suloctidil with other chemical compounds


Gene context of suloctidil


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of suloctidil

  • Using a recently developed analysis tool (Dynamic Imaging of Coherent Sources; DICS), we determined cerebro-muscular and cerebro-cerebral coherence as well as the partial coherence between cerebral areas and muscle, and localized coherent sources within the individual MRI scans [39].
  • The results after oral administration of suloctidil (100 mg/kg/d in two divided doses) were not different from control studies [4].
  • Cannula platelet consumption was unaffected by suloctidil (20 mg/kg/d given in two divided doses for two days preceding and throughout the period of platelet survival measurement) [4].
  • A double blind cross over study with suloctidil (Sulocton, Continental Pharma) and placebo was carried out for 6 months in 31 patients with idiopathic recurrent vein thrombosis [40].
  • Cerebro-cortical laser-Doppler flow (cortical perfusion, CP), arterial blood pressure, core temperature, PaO2, PaCO2, pH and glycemia were measured before, during and after MCAO [41].


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