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PHP  -  panhypopituitarism

Homo sapiens

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Disease relevance of PHP

  • This form of the disorder is termed pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ia (PHP Ia) [1].
  • The increased frequency of serious infectious diseases in patients with PHP is likely to contribute to increased age-specific mortality [2].
  • In patients with PHP and in those with vitamin D deficiency, there was a sufficiently close relationship between increments in iPTH (delta iPTH) and in UcAMP (delta UcAMP) (r = 0.90, P less than 0.001 and r = 0.67, P less than 0.02, respectively) to use this model to assess renal sensitivity for changes to endogenous PTH levels [3].
  • Baseline levels and increases in urinary cyclic AMP excretion (UcAMP) and immunoreactive parathormone (iPTH) were studied before and during infusion of EDTA in euparathyroid patients with renal stones (n=11), patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (PHP; n=14) and patients with vitamin D deficiency (n = 12) [3].
  • Exocrine pancreatic secretion and plasma immunoreactive secretin (IRS) levels have been simultaneously observed in response to intraduodenal infusion of 1-phenyl-1-hydroxy-n-pentane (PHP) and 0.1 N HCl in normal subjects, patients with diabetes mellitus and patients with chronic pancreatitis by use of this tube [4].

Psychiatry related information on PHP


High impact information on PHP


Chemical compound and disease context of PHP


Biological context of PHP

  • In three PHP 1b kindreds, we analyzed simple sequence polymorphisms in three microsatellite markers flanking the PTH type 2 receptor locus located at 2q33 [19].
  • Altered benzodiazepine sensitivity in subjects with a history of parental alcoholism (PHP) compared to control subjects (NC) has been reported for regional brain blood volume, eye movement tasks, and subjective effects [20].
  • METHODS: After obtaining consent, visual acuity with habitual correction, masked PHP testing, stereoscopic color fundus photography, and fluorescein angiography were performed [21].
  • PHP may therefore serve as a model in studying the pleiotropic consequences of impaired Gs-mediated signal transduction [22].
  • A PHP application, Prophage Finder, has been developed and implemented to predict prophage loci, based upon clusters of phage-related gene products encoded within DNA sequences [23].

Anatomical context of PHP

  • These findings demonstrate that the resistance to PTH seen in PHP does not extend to the pituitary gland [24].
  • Cell membranes from patients with PHP type Ia and from patients with pseudoPHP contained levels of immunoactive Gs alpha that were equivalently reduced (43 +/- 4% vs. 42 +/- 5%, respectively) [1].
  • By contrast, erythrocyte membranes from patients with PHP type Ib, who have normal Gs alpha activity, had normal levels of Gs alpha immunoactivity (101 +/- 7%) [1].
  • In an attempt to more completely define the histopathologic features of the portal vein hyperperfusion or small-for-size syndrome (PHP/SFSS), we strictly identified 5 PHP/SFSS cases among 39 (5/39; 13%) adult living donor liver transplants (ALDLT) completed between 11/01 and 09/03 [25].
  • METHODS: 38 adult male gerbils were divided into 4 groups, such as normal group without ischemia or treatment, PHP group undergoing an exchanging blood transfusion with 5.0 ml PHP, ischemia group undergoing 5-min forebrain ischemia, and PHP-ischemia group with 5.0 ml PHP partial blood replacement prior to 5-min forebrain ischemia [26].

Associations of PHP with chemical compounds


Other interactions of PHP


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of PHP

  • The package is based on freely available technologies like Apache as web server, PHP as server-side scripting language and OpenPBS as queuing system and is available free of charge for academic and non-profit institutions [36].
  • We reviewed the records of 65 patients with panhypopituitarism (PHP) for the frequency and types of infections requiring hospitalization, and documented serious infections in 13 of 65 patients with PHP [2].
  • PHP subjects had decreased sensitivity to the EEG effects of alprazolam compared to NC subjects [20].
  • We developed an assay system for LPL and HTGL in human PHP by selective immunoprecipitation of each enzyme with the corresponding antiserum [37].
  • Early diagnosis of PH is always confirmed in the long term [38].


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