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Chemical Compound Review

Tween 80     2-[2-[3,4-bis(2- hydroxyethoxy)oxolan-2-yl]...

Synonyms: CPD-3563, AC1L9EF8, 9005-65-6
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Disease relevance of Polysorbate 80


Psychiatry related information on Polysorbate 80

  • In contrast, P at dosages of either 1.0 or 2.5 mg daily, 5 alpha-DHP at 5.0 mg administered daily in either an oil or Tween-80 vehicle, 17-HP at 5.0 mg in oil daily, and DOC at dosages of either 5.0 or 10.0 mg in oil daily failed to effect the rapid onset of maternal behavior induced by ovariectomy-hysterectomy on Day 17 of pregnancy [6].
  • Effect of Tween 80 on exploratory behavior and locomotor activity in rats [7].

High impact information on Polysorbate 80

  • Clones of CHO cells stably resistant to colcemid have been isolated in the presence of the nonionic detergent Tween 80 after mutagen treatment [8].
  • The DTH response was specific for type-C virus subtypes because it could distinguish the Rauscher strain of murine leukemia virus from AKR leukemia virus when the challenge antigen was extracted with Tween 80-ether [9].
  • DNA replication in Chinese hamster ovary cells made permeable to nucleotides by tween-80 treatment [10].
  • Using soluble ovalbumin and human immunodeficiency virus glycoprotein gp120, we have explored the possibility of using an antigen formulation consisting of squalane and Tween 80 to elicit antigen-specific CTL responses in mice [1].
  • In previous reports, we have shown that the rate of calcification could be reduced by decreasing the phosphate content in the tissue or by blocking calcification binding sites with Mg++ and/or with a surfactant (Tween 80) [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Polysorbate 80

  • The enhancement of vesicular stomatitis virus plaques on human embryonic lung cells in the presence of Tween 80 or Aquasol A was studied to determine the optimal conditions for the enhancement [12].
  • To assess the sterilization efficacy of a combined Tween 80, beta-propiolactone and ultraviolet irradiation procedure applied to a F VIII preparation to which an estimated 10(5.9) chimpanzee infectious doses (CID50) of hepatitis B virus had been added per ml, two chimpanzees were inoculated with 10 ml each of treated and untreated preparations [13].
  • This study was undertaken to find optimum conditions of tryptone, yeast extract, glucose, Tween 80, and incubation temperature for the growth of Lactobacillus casei YIT 9018 and to assess the effects of these factors by use of response surface methodology [14].
  • The difficulties which have been encountered previously in attempts to purify the virus, namely contamination with large amounts of cellular constituents and aggregation of the virus particles, have been overcome by treatment with Tween 80 and by the use of 1 M-NaCl in the sucrose gradients [15].
  • Some restoration of poliovirus infectivity from virus-grape juice complexes was achieved with 1% gelatin, 0.1% Tween 80, 0.5% polyvinyl pyrrolidone, and 0.5% polyethylene glycol [16].

Biological context of Polysorbate 80

  • Utilization of trans fatty acids as a single carbon and energy source was evaluated by monitoring the formation of clear zones around cell growth on turbid media containing fatty acids dispersed with Tween 80 [17].
  • The transfection efficiency was dependent on both DOTMA to DNA, and DOTMA to Tween 80 ratios [18].
  • Neither the reliability of the calibration curve nor the data for precision and assay kinetics were amended by the addition of either PEG to the (human) thrombin reagent or Tween-80 to the chromogenic substrate [19].
  • Semiquantitative agreement between predicted and experimentally-measured cell adhesion obtained for three different cell types (MDCK, RBL-1, and HCT-15) in two different liquid phase compositions of surfactants (Tween-80 and fetal bovine serum) supports concepts and approximations utilized in development of theory [20].
  • A considerable increase in the permeability to the drug was obtained with doses of tween 80 which were non-toxic and which had no effect on cell proliferation, morphology and locomotion [21].

Anatomical context of Polysorbate 80


Associations of Polysorbate 80 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Polysorbate 80


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Polysorbate 80

  • Gel chromatography in presence or absence of Tween 80 gives rise to formation of oligomers of various size and smaller amounts of monomeric ATPase [34].
  • The inactive monomer of ATPase binds phospholipid and Tween 80 to about the same extent, but has a slightly different circular dichroism spectrum, than oligomeric ATPase [34].
  • Currently, several strategies are in progress to develop Tween 80- and CrEL-free formulations of docetaxel and paclitaxel, which are based on pharmaceutical (e.g. albumin nanoparticles, emulsions and liposomes), chemical (e.g. polyglutamates, analogues and prodrugs), or biological (e.g. oral drug administration) strategies [35].
  • An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay indicated that GC is antigenically similar to glycogen, and the amount of GC antigen increased in the media of M. tuberculosis cultures grown either with or without the detergent Tween 80 [36].
  • By the combination of preembedding immunogold labeling and replica technique, it was shown that the beta-lactamase was uniformly distributed on the whole external cell surface, where it appeared to be associated with a Tween 80-removable capsule-like material [37].


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