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Chemical Compound Review

CHEBI:29959     pyridine-2,3-dicarboxylate

Synonyms: AC1NUT26, ZINC00331671, FT-0674187, 3c2o, 2,3-pyridinedicarboxylate, ...
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Disease relevance of quinolinic acid


Psychiatry related information on quinolinic acid


High impact information on quinolinic acid

  • Excitotoxic death of these neurons was increased after intrastriatal injection of quinolinate in vivo, and after NMDA but not AMPA exposure in culture [7].
  • Immunocytochemical localization of the endogenous neuroexcitotoxin quinolinate in human peripheral blood monocytes/macrophages and the effect of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I infection [8].
  • We have previously observed that an axon-sparing injury to the developing striatum induced by the excitotoxin quinolinate results in a decrease in dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) of the adult [9].
  • We have examined by morphologic and biochemical means the time course and character of cell death in SN following a unilateral striatal lesion with quinolinate in immature rats [9].
  • MK801, but not FK506, attenuated the loss of glutamate decarboxylase and choline acetyltransferase activity induced by intrastriatal injection of quinolinate [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of quinolinic acid


Biological context of quinolinic acid


Anatomical context of quinolinic acid


Associations of quinolinic acid with other chemical compounds


Gene context of quinolinic acid


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of quinolinic acid


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  14. U50,488 protection against HIV-1-related neurotoxicity: involvement of quinolinic acid suppression. Chao, C.C., Hu, S., Gekker, G., Lokensgard, J.R., Heyes, M.P., Peterson, P.K. Neuropharmacology (2000) [Pubmed]
  15. S-Allylcysteine, a garlic-derived antioxidant, ameliorates quinolinic acid-induced neurotoxicity and oxidative damage in rats. Pérez-Severiano, F., Rodríguez-Pérez, M., Pedraza-Chaverrí, J., Maldonado, P.D., Medina-Campos, O.N., Ortíz-Plata, A., Sánchez-García, A., Villeda-Hernández, J., Galván-Arzate, S., Aguilera, P., Santamaría, A. Neurochem. Int. (2004) [Pubmed]
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