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Gene Review

IL15  -  interleukin 15

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: IL-15, Interleukin-15, MGC9721
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Disease relevance of IL15


Psychiatry related information on IL15

  • The evidence that IL-15 upregulates the expression of coligands that favor the contact between T cells and APC, per se, triggers T-cell activation and proliferation and acts as a chemoattractant for T cells, suggests that IL-15 plays a key role in Tc1-mediated defense mechanisms taking place in extravascular tissues of patients with HIV disease [7].
  • It is proposed that this codependence between IL-12 and IL-15 for the activation of inflammatory T cells may be involved in chronic inflammatory disorders that are dominated by a Th1 response [8].
  • Our findings suggest that interleukin-15 may be implicated in the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia [9].
  • Our results demonstrate that undifferentiated HM were highly resistant to HHV-6 infection, whereas HM pretreated with human recombinant IL-15 showed an increased permissiveness for HHV-6 infection [10].

High impact information on IL15

  • Furthermore, following IM, expression of the receptor for the homeostatic cytokine IL-15 on NK and T cells is lost within these individuals [11].
  • IL-2, IL-15, and IL-7 are cytokines that are critical for regulating lymphoid homeostasis [12].
  • IL-2 is necessary to destroy self-reactive lymphocytes and thus favors peripheral tolerance to self-antigens, whereas IL-15 favors the persistence of lymphocytes involved in the memory and effector responses to invading pathogens but risks the development of inflammatory autoimmune diseases [13].
  • The multifaceted regulation of interleukin-15 expression and the role of this cytokine in NK cell differentiation and host response to intracellular pathogens [3].
  • Mast cells respond to IL-15 with a receptor system that does not share elements with the IL-2 receptor but uses a novel 60- to 65-kDa IL-15RX subunit [3].

Chemical compound and disease context of IL15


Biological context of IL15


Anatomical context of IL15

  • These findings may not only explain previous reports of transformation of CTL into NK-like "lymphokine-activated killers" (LAK cells) under high doses of IL2 (a substitute for IL15) but may also have significant implications for understanding and treating immunopathological diseases [23].
  • In a phase I-II clinical trial, HuMax-IL15 was well tolerated clinically, with no significant effects on T lymphocyte subset and natural killer cell numbers [24].
  • Furthermore, we show that TEC-derived soluble factors inhibit generation of NK-CFU and inhibit IL15- or IL2-driven NK cell differentiation from thymic CD34(+) triple-negative thymocytes [25].
  • METHODS: Mononuclear cells from blood and synovial fluid (SF) of RA patients were isolated and cultured in vitro under experimental conditions involving the addition of HuMax-IL15 [24].
  • The increase in IL15 correlated with the increase in TNFalpha (r(s)=0.66, p<0.01); however it did not correlate with the levels of erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C reactive protein, suggesting that IL15 may not be a useful marker in estimating the severity of inflammation in KD [26].

Associations of IL15 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of IL15


Regulatory relationships of IL15


Other interactions of IL15


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of IL15


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