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CHOL  -  Cholesterol level in meat

Sus scrofa

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Disease relevance of CHOL


Psychiatry related information on CHOL


High impact information on CHOL


Chemical compound and disease context of CHOL


Biological context of CHOL

  • Dose response curves varying Ab concentration showed that CHOL PEC required higher concentrations of Ab to effect phagocytosis and lysis than did CONT PEC [19].
  • These findings suggest that, compared with the apical membranes of absorptive cells, those of M cells have a low protein to lipid ratio and an abundance of morphologically detectable cholesterol except in domains involved in endocytosis [20].
  • Addition of cholesterol, low density or very low density lipoproteins to the lipoprotein-deficient culture medium, inhibited the expression of cyst wall proteins, the generation of encystation-specific vesicles, and cyst wall biogenesis [21].
  • 4) Systemic factors: There is clinical and experimental evidence to suggest that various systemic factors at the time of plaque rupture may enhance thrombogenicity (i.e., levels of epinephrine, levels of serum cholesterol, impaired fibrinolysis) [22].
  • Hematocrits among cholesterol-fed animals (47.6 +/- 1.2%) were lower than those of controls (54.8 +/- 1.3%, p less than 0.05) probably as a result of the cholesterol-induced hemolytic anemia which has been reported by others in this species [23].

Anatomical context of CHOL


Associations of CHOL with chemical compounds

  • The main lipid classes in the SC are ceramides (CER), free fatty acids (FFA) and cholesterol (CHOL) [27].
  • For this purpose lipid phase behavior of mixtures of CHOL and total ceramide fraction was compared with that of mixtures of CHOL and a ceramide mixture lacking CER 1 [28].
  • METHODS: Eighteen Yucatan pigs were fed either a normal (NORM, n=6) or a high-cholesterol diet, with (CHOL-ARG, n=6) or without (CHOL, n=6) L-arginine (100 mg/kg/day), throughout the experiment [29].
  • METHODS AND RESULTS: Yucatan pigs were fed either a normal (NORM group; n=7) or high-cholesterol diet, with (CHOL-ATR group; n=7) or without (CHOL group; n=6) atorvastatin (3 mg/kg per day) for 13 weeks [30].
  • When palmitic acid (PA) was included, the phase behaviour of the CHOL/CER(1 + 2)/PA mixture was more complex [31].

Physical interactions of CHOL


Regulatory relationships of CHOL


Other interactions of CHOL


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CHOL

  • Collateral-dependent myocardial perfusion, adjusted for baseline, was significantly reduced in the CHOL group (-0.27+/-0.07 mL/min per gram versus NORM; P<0.001) as well as the CHOL-ATR group (-0.35+/-0.07 mL/min per gram versus NORM; P<0.001) [30].
  • Reduction of serum cholesterol in Watanabe rabbits by xenogeneic hepatocellular transplantation [25].
  • A histomorphometric study of the epithelial cells showed significantly higher values for nuclear density (P < 0.01) and nuclear (P < 0.05) and cytoplasmic (P < 0.05) areas in the cholesterol gallstone than the control group [45].
  • We examined the effects of gallbladder mucosal lipid absorption on lipid composition and cholesterol crystallization in bile [45].
  • Luminal narrowing was not affected by anticoagulation therapy, antiplatelet drugs, cholesterol level, or stent sizing [46].


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